23 APRIL 1831, Page 12

FROM LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, April 19,


1TAHsmrHr,m. and HA eta DAV, Stroud, Gloucestershire, furniture-brolcers-Hr NDE and Moon. E, Poppin's Court, Fleet Street, law.stationers -BE w I CB and JAC S Os, Liverpool, cabinet-makers-WILE t Ns o N and Co.. Leadenhall Street, indigo-brokers -PA.BRER and JOHNSON, Bristol, attornies-LANE and SoN, Saville Row, tailors -0v tr Wren and FA too, Rotherhithe, ship-carvers-JONES and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers; its far as regards JosEs-H. and J. KEMP, Faversham, hoymen -PAT Ni oRE and HA:till:ewe, York Street, St. James's, tailors-HIPPER and Co. Norwich, bombasine-manufacturers-PATTrssoN, Jun. and-Co. Newark,maltsters- Buse om BE and STONE, Taunton, attornies-Ro els on and AyNslity, Northumberland, millers-JouNsos and CREASY, Great Bell Alley, Coleman Street, boot and shoe-makers-DAv Ey and Co. Norwich, sack-manufacturers- WARD and BRA:kiwi:M., Durham, attOrnies-FOWLERand PAtmER, Monmouth, Monmouth gas-works-MeLLon and Dix oN, Blanchester, joiners-FOSTER and Co. Liverpool, coalmerchants-J. and M. MARTIN, Liverpool, joiners-CauNo- wELL and Co. Rochester, Ashford, and Stroud, Kent, gun-makers-WRIGHT and SCHOLET, Sheffield, drapers-Coormt and Co. Sambrook Court, Blackwellhall- factors, and Co OPER and OWEN, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, clothiers.


PAXTON, Jons, Jun. Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside, linen.draper, April 19. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.

HEEL, TiromAs, Gateshead Low Fell, Durham, draper.


ALLIVRIORT, JAMES, Strand, and Wokingham, Berkshire, cheesemonger, to sur- render April 26, 29, May 31: solicitor, Dlr. Blum, Essex Street, Strand. ARMSTRONG, JAMES, Raskelf, Yorkshire, miller, April 22 : solicitor, Mr. Butter- field, Gray's Inn Square. BARNETT, JOIIN, Devonshire Place, Old Kent Road, navy-agent, April 22, 29s May 31: solicitors, Messrs. Burgoynes and Thrupp, Oxford Street. CHALK, THOMAS HENRY, Barking, Essex, corn-dealer, April 22, 29, May 31: so- licitor, Air. Thomson, George Street, Minories. CLAYTON, MARY and HENRY, East Retford, Nottinghamshire, drapers, May 10, 11, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Jacques and Battye, Coleman Street ; and Messrs. Battye and Hesp, Huddersfield, COUTTS, Jolts:, Jun. Notting Hill, Kensington, baker, April 22, 29, May 31 : soli, citor, Mr. Johnson, Chancery Chambers, Chancery Lane. CRITCHLEY, JOHN, Ryeford, Glocestershire, coal-merchant, May 3, 4, 31 tors, Mr. White, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn; and Sir. Coleman, Stroud. CRON/N, JOHN, Old Bailey, stone-merchant, April 26, 29, May 31 : solicitor, Mr. Martin, Red Lion Square. DAVIS, Jose en, King's Head Yard, Russell Street, and Hurt Street, Covent Gar- den, orange-merchant, April 29, 29, May 31 : solicitor, Mr. Maitland, Fleet Street. FRANCIS, EDWARD HENRY, Wandsworth, Surry, schoolmaster, April 22, 29, May 31 : solicitor, Mr. Wrentmore, Charles Street, St. James's Square. LEA, JANIEs, Jun. Worcester, butcher, May 2, 3, 31 : solicitors, Sir. /lecke, De- vonshire Street, Queen Square ; and Mr. Hughes, Worcester. MILLS, JAMES, Clerkenwell Green, wine-merchant, April 26, May 3, 41: solici- tors, Messrs. Price and Wakeling, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell. MONK, CHR I SToPn and Frome Selwood, Sontersetshire, linen-dra- pers, Muy 12, 13, 31 : solicitors, Messrs. Perkins and Frampton, Gray's Inn Square ; and Mr. Miller, Frome.

NOVELL, WILLIAM, CILLI:IIRRI Road, carpenter, April 26, May 3, 31 : solicitor, Mr. Bouslield, Chatham Place, 131ackfriars.

PLATT, TuoilAs.Brentford, coal-merchant, April 20, Slay 3, 31 : solicitor, Ms. Pocock, Bartholomew Close.

SMITH, RICHARD, William Street, New Rent Road, licensed victualler, April 2.?, May 3, 31 • solicitor, Dir. Hailstone, Horslyclown Lane. SMITH, GEORGE, and Fut/ LERT0N, llonERT, Gutter Lane, warehousemen, April 29, May 10, 31 : solicitor, Mr. Gregory, King's Arms Yard. Coleman Street. WooLsToN, JE Felt EV, EillgSIOn.illion-HUI1, toy-seller, April 26, 27, May 31 : so- licitors, Messrs. Milne and Parry, Temple; and Mr. Beswick, Birmingham. WEANCII AM, WILLIAM, Louth, Lincolnshire, silversmith, April 27, 29, May 31 solicitors, Messrs. Dila aud Alger, Bedford ROW and Messrs. Wilson and Goa, Louth.


May 10, W. and D. H. Remington, Lombard Street, bankers-May 10, Dixon, Leadenhall Street, trunk-inaker- May 10, Ilenn, Holborn, hatter-May 10, Chater, jun. Holland Place, Cumbenvell New Rtail, and Lambeth, coal-merchant-May 10; Wildy, Oxford Street, hatter-.Stay 10, Ilam lel:, Long Acre, coach-maker-May 17, Alewyn, Fenchurch Street, merchant-May 13, Bamford, Houndsditch, timber- merchant-May 13, Richardson, Bethnal Green, merchant-Slay 13; James, Wool- wich, innkeeper-May 13, Result, Kilburn, carpenter-May 10, Machin, Nelson Street, Greenwich, grocer-May 14, Seldeim and Hynde, Liverpool, merchants- May 21, Ogden, Baneor, Carnarvonshire, hatter-May 13, Tyas, Wakefield, grocer -May 17, Atkinson, 1-foto:aster, druggist-May 11. Ives, Cumberworth, Yorkshire, clothier-May 11, Shiers, Huddersfield, woolstapler-Blay 16, 'Robson, Leeds, grocer-May 12, Paddoe, Plymouth, printer-May 12, Orme, Blanchester, cotton- twist-dealer.


To be granted, unless cause be Sh1111'14 ID the contrary, on or before Nay 10. Farrell, Liverpool, horse-dealer-Robson, Leeds, grocer-Wilson, Blanchester, commission-agent--Stewart, Liverpool, merchant-J. and V. Oldrield, Edgware Road, coach-makers-Insole, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, brick-maker-Bretherton„ Liverpool, coach-proprietor-Naish,Shepton-Blallet, Sotnersetshire, clothier-Cross, Manchester, publican-Mather, Salford, Lancashire,. builder-Wright, Liverpooli grocer-Barnard, Hollingbourn, Rent, paper-maker.

Friday, April 22.


J. and H. JowitTT, Liverpool, silk-mercers-li. and J. GoonBURN, Ilotherttlthe, grocers-Bowen and Co. Stockport, painters-HERBERT and Co. Coventry and Brandon Mills, AVarwickshire, silk-throwsters-BoTcnEttnv and Co. Darlington, iron-merchants-W. and J. H. CROWTHER, Prince's Street, Cavendish &mare, saddlers-II uTen XS us and Co. Bedford Place, Russell Square, solicitors-JoNES and Co. attornies-H UST LE It and Co. Edgeware Road, surgeons-13R° wN and Co. Blanchester, commission-agents-MAsToN and Co. Whitby, Yorkshire, linen- drapers-PATentsoN and Co. Mincing Lane-Toer and Co. Hanley, Staffordshire, manufacturers of earthenware-WEBSTER and Co. Liverpool, brass-founders. INSOLVENT.

BURTON, THOMAS, Bramham, Yorkshire, shoe-maker, April 22. HALE, EDWARD, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, innkeeper, Apri122.

LENDEN, EDWARD, Tunbridge, Kent, victualler, Apri122.


KIDD, JAMES, Brook Green Terrace, Hammersmith, baker. FARRAR, JosEeu and JAams, Halifax and Bradford, common-carriers.


RicHARD, Oxford-strcet, pastry. c nal:, to surrender April 29, May 6, June 3 : solicitor, Mr. Carlon, High-street, Marylebotte. DANDY, Ron El RT, Great Dritlield, Yorkshire, grocer, Mayll, 3, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Bloxliam, New Boswell-court. GOULDEN, sell., WILLIA3I, Leeds, tobacco-manufacturer, May 13, 14, June 3: solicitors, Batty and Co. Chancery Lane.

HARG AN, HENRY, St. John's Street, victualler, April 29, June 3, 9: solicitors, Messrs. Williams and Bethell, Lincoln's Dm Fields. HiERONS, WILLIAM, Streatham, Surry, coach-master, April 29, May 6, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Stokes and Hollingsworth, Cateaton Street. HENny, Tottenham-court-road, poulterer, ;:iley 3, It, June 3: solici- tors, Messrs. Alayliew,J ohnston, and Mayhew, Carey-street, Lincoln's-inn. Klux, THOMAS BERNARD, Lichliela, eltymisf, Slay 3, 4, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, 'Raymond-buildings, Gray's-inn,

LAN/BERT, on s, Brunel:, Westmoreland, carpenter, Slay 3,4, June 3 : solicitor. Mr. Thompson, Staple iota. Rum se es.- im, Redditch, Worcestershire, needle-manufaeturer, April 28, 29, June 3 : solicitor, Mr. Putter, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street. LYNCH, Josimm' Illsou-grecn, Nufttinehainsliire, tailor, April 2ti, 29, June 3 : so- licitors, Messrs. Rosser and Son, Gray's-inn-place, Gray's-inn.

BlAits DEN, Tm1oCms9, Salford, Lancashire, machine-maker, Slay 5, 9, June 3 : so- licitor, Mr. Rogers, Devonshire square. NEWTON, WiLLIA51, Phi Iiiiit-street, Commercial-road, Mile-end, builder, June 3 : solicitors, Messieurs Eickieson and Hine, Gracechurch-street.

POCHIN, HENRY, Cushy, Le:cestershire, maltster, Slay 16, 17, June 8: solicitors, Messrs. Austell and Robson, Raymond Buildings, Cray's Inn. RADLEN., JOHN LEES, Oldham, Lancashire, dealer, May 9, 14, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Drundrett and Spinks, Temple.

RIDEOUT, HENRY, Woolwich, innkeeper, April' 9, May 6, June 3: solicitor, Dlr. Colquhoun, Woolwich. SMART, NAv L, Einchley, briekinaker, May 6,10, June 3 : solicitor, Mr. Wootton, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury.

WILLIAMS, JOHN and Joni:, Tioundsditch, coppersmiths, May 6, 13, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Owen and Dixon, Mincing-lane.


May 13, Halliday, Castle Street, Holborn, merchant-May 13, L. L. and W. Pec- queur, Paddington Street, Marylebone, mattress-makers-May 13, Rudd and Co. Ratcliffe Highway, colour-makers-May 13. Hollis, Upper Stamford Street, Lam- beth, engineer-May 13, Hassell, Hanover Street, Hanover Square, dealer-May 3, Priestnall, Stockport, silk-spinner-Slay 14, Blackburn, Preston, linen-draper- May 19, Oxley, Barnsley, Yorkshire, butcher-May 31, J. T. and S. C. Smith, King Street, Cheapside, hosiers-May 18, Woodburn and Co, Ulverston, Lancashire, tal- low-chandlers-May 13, Tickle, Haryport, Cumberland, ironmonger-May- 13, Williams, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, nurseryman-May 13, Warwick, Warwick Hall, Cumberland, banker-May 13, Chaloner, York, wine-merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before ltlay 13. Cox, Sheffield, grocer-Rice, Great Torrington, Devonshire, grocer-Delves, Knaresborough, merchant-Percival, jun. Whitechapel, oilman-Bedwell, London Road, St. George's Fields, bed and bedsteadmaker-Varley, Manchester, machine- maker-Spanton, York, bookseller-Vickers, Leeds, printer.


BKYSDAT.E, JAMES, and Co. Glasgow, merchants, April '27, May 12. Mum, WILLIAM, Greenock, haberdasher, April28, Slay 13.