23 APRIL 1831, Page 8

looks confidently forward to the labours of a future Chamber

to extend and consolidate the ameliorations in the political system introduced by that which has been just dissolved. There have been some disturbances (Anglice rows) in Paris during the course of the last eight days, but nothing which tended to compromise for a moment the peace of the capital. They have been attributed, and not without some appearance of reason, to the interested jobbing of speculators for a fall in the 5 per Cents. It was the wish, very naturally, of those persons who intended to take a share in the loan of 120,000,000 francs C, which the patri- otic subscriptions have not filled up, to bring down the funds as low as possible, in order to obtain the better terms from the Minister. Among others, the notorious OUVRARD, who is a Bear, as it is called, to an enormous amount, has been charged as a party to these disturbances ; he has, however, publicly denied the truth of the statement. The loan has been taken at 84 francs, after a vain attempt to procure it at 82. The ROTHSCHILDS are the principal contractors. A smart discussion took ph:ce in the Chamber of Peers on Tuesday, on the law for the perpetual exclusion of CHARLES the Tenth and his family. The law was carried by 74 to 45.

The young men who were charged with having excited and aided the late riots in Paris were acquitted on Friday. The evi- dence seems to have been extremely weak. The Advocate-General did not think it worth while to reply.

• By altypographical error in our last Number, this sum was printed 100,000fransc.