23 APRIL 1836, Page 9

On Sunday night, as a train of carriages on the

Railway was approaching Manchester from Liverpool, at the rate of thirty miles an hour, between Winton and Chat-moss, an axis of the first carriage suddenly snapped asunder. The engine-carriage, as well as all the other carriages, with the exception of two, were capsized, and thrown down the embankment, which is about twenty feet high. The passen- gers, of whom there were about 120, were turned topsy-turvy, and thrown one upon another. One lady was much lacerated; no other person was severely hurt. Those who were injured suffered chiefly by attempting prematurely to get out. Perhaps the Directors will now seriously set about raising a strong earthen mound some six feet high, along this and other equally dangerous embankments on the line ; the public safety requires it.