23 APRIL 1853, Page 12


43,139,000 _Estimated Revenue.

Customs £20,680,000 Excise 14,640,000 Stamps 6.700,000 Taxes 3,250,000 Income-tax 5,550,000 Post-office .900,000 Crown Lands 390,000 Miscellaneous 320,000 Old Stares 460,000 Anticipated saving from re- duction of the Three per Cents 100,000 £52,990,000 Estimated Expenditure. Funded Debt £27,500,000 Unftuided ditto 304,000 27,804,000 Consolidated Fund 2,503,000 Army 6,015,000 Navy 6,235,000 Ordnance 3,053,000 Miscellaneous 4,476,000 Commissariat 557,000 Militia 530,000 Caffre War 200,000 Packet Service 800,000 £62,183,000 Apparent Surplus, £807,000. Increased Taxation. Extension of Income-tax to all incomes between 1001. and 1501. per annum, at the rate of 5d. per pound £250,000 Extension of Income-tax to Ireland 460,000 Deduct loss by exempting from tax all sums of in- come devoted to life-assur- ance, estimated at Net increase of Income-tax Extension of Legacy-duty to

real property Increase of Is. per gallon on Scotch spirits, namely, from 3s. 8d. to 48. 8d. £318,000 Allowance for waste on spirits in bond 40,000

278,000 198,000 -- 476,000 Less allowance for waste in England 40,000 Increase from alteration in scale of licences to brewers and dealers in tea, coffee, tobacco, and soap £710,000 120,000 £690,000 2,000,000

Increase of 8d. pea gallon on Irish spirits, namely, from 20. 8d. to 38.4d... £238,000 Allowance

as above .. 40,000 436,000 113,000

Taxei 7lentigted.

Abolition of the soap-tax £1,126,000 Reduction Of the duty on life- assurance from 14. 6d. per cent to 6d. per cent., Reduction of receipt-stampa from the present scale, ranging from 3d. to 108. to

a uniform rate of one penny 155,000 Reduction of duty on inden- tures of apprenticeship from 208. to 28. 6d Ditto on attorneys' certifi- cates from 121. and 8/. to 91. and 6/, and on articles of apprenticeship from 1201.

to MI ' Reduction of advertisement- duty from Le. 6d. to 6d., and abolition of stamp-duties upon newspaper supple-

ments ' 160,000 Reduction of duty on hack- ney-carriages from la. 5d.

to Is. per day 26,000 Reduction of tax on men- servants to a uniform rate of 11. 18. on servants above 18 years of age, and of 108. 6d. on servants under 18 years 87,000 Ditto on private carriages to 3/. 108., 21., and 15s 95,000 Ditto on horses and ponies to 11. la. and 108.6d. £118,000 Less alteration of duty on dogs from 148. and 8s. to a uniform rate of 12s. 10,000 Alteration in the post-horse duties, substituting li- cences for horses and car- riages in lieu of tax on mileage 54,000

Reduction of 171 per cent in Not


charge for redemption of estimated.

Reduction of colonial post- age to a uniform rate of 6d. 40,000 Reduction of the tea-duty from 2s. 21d. to 18. 101. till 5th April 1854. The duty to descend to Is. 6d. in the following year, to 361. the next year, and

thereafter to Is 3,000,000 Ditto of duties on apples from 23. to 3d. per bushel; cheese, from 5s. to 2s. 6d. per cwt.; cocoa, from 2d. to Id. per lb.; nuts, from 28. to la per bushel; eggs. from 10d. to 4d. per 120; oranges and lemons, to 8d. per bushel; butter, from 108. to 55. per cat.; and raisins, from 158. 9d. to 108. per cwt. 262,000 Ditto of duties on 133 minor

articles of food 70,000 Abolition of doties on 123 ditto 53,000 £5,315,000


; 50,000 108,000