23 APRIL 1870, Page 1


TRANCE is standing on tiptoe waiting for the manifesto in which 1: Napoleon will summon the nation to the polls. The Senate has passed the new Constitution, Parliamentary opposition has died away, and for the moment the Emperor stands once more face to face with his people. There is a report that he has prepared a letter to be sent to every elector in France, but this is uncertain, and nothing has yet oozed out about the manifesto. It is not doubted, however, even by the Opposition that he will obtain his vote, and speculation confines itself to the extent of his majority. He hopes, it is said, for six millions of votes, a reduction of one- fourth on the plebiscitum of 1852, and it is probable that with the officials, the Church, and the Red Spectre at his back he will obtain them. If he does, he will, under whatever forms, be the master of France.