23 APRIL 1965, Page 13

Sts, - --Really, Canon Collins and other Labour apolo- gists cannot be

allowed to get away again with the monstrous allegation that 'the roots of the Labour Party are in moral principles.' One of the chief supporters of this party is the trade union movement. Is their perpetual demand for more wages and less work an example of their moral principles? Arc the long succession of strikes that have bedevilled this country and prevented it from competing in the world's markets, are the idiotic and childish demar- cation disputes that are slowly strangling our pros- perity, further examples of moral principles? Was , the sending to Coventry over and over again, a few years ago, of men who refused to kow-tow to shop stewards, and is the insisting on a closed shop, or the denial of a man's right not to join a trade union, Yet another example in the holy Canon's view of a moral principle? If so let's have no more of them, and less too of this 'holier than thou' attitude so Common amongst Labourites. and a little more patriotism, ridiculed as a rule and sneered at by Labour supporters, who, with the Communists, prefer the sentiments of the Red Flag.