23 AUGUST 1834, Page 16

The East India proprietors, by a large majority, have agreed

to increase the niggardly scale of compensation proposed by the Directors to be given to the maritime servants of the Company; and we are glad of it. But we cannot join our contemporaries in praising the " liberality" of the proprietors ; for their liberality is of the same character as that generally ascribed to Church- wardens—it costs them nothing. If the money proposed to be given were to cause the reduction of a farthing from the half- year's dividend, the result of Wednesday's ballot would have been very different ; and we suspect that Mr. WEEDING, the chief promoter of the grant, would ie that case have been its decided opponent : he is not apt to be guilty of squandering that which is his own. In the present case, John Bull and the poor Hindoos will have to pay the piper between them.