23 AUGUST 1851, Page 2

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It was intended that the Queen's route from Buckingham Palace to the station of the Great Northern Railway, on the 27th, should be through Baker Street and along the New Road; but the Master of the Horse found some parts of the New Road between Euston Square and King's Cross to be in a state of unrepair actually dangerous. He wrote to the Vestry Clerk of St. Pancras, requesting that the road might be made safe; and the matter was discussed at the Vestry meeting on Tuesday. The Parish Surveyor assured the Vestry, that if the road were kept open a day longer, somebody might become liable for damages to persons in- jured, or perhaps even to the representatives of persons killed. The Clerk was directed to inform the messenger in waiting from the Master of the Horse, that the road must be instantly closed, and would not there- fore be passable to her Majesty on the 27th.

The Commissioners of Woods and Forests have issued instructions to fill up the different hollows in Primrose Hill Park, in order that the lower portion may be converted into a cricket-ground. A spacious carriage-drive has been formed from the Hampstead Road through the grounds of Chalk Farm Tavern, leading into the Regent's Park and Cam- den Town. A number of gravel walks have been laid down, and seats placed for the accommodation of visitors. It is intended to plant this park with trees and shrubs similar to the enclosure in St. James's Park. The park-keepers appeared on Wednesday in their new uniforms. About four: hundred clerks connected with one hundred and five assu- rawa 001nPanies have addressed a request to their directors to close bu- siness at two o'clock on Saturday; " conklept of- the practicability of the plan, and fully sensible of the advantages which its adoption Will confer." Some time /lined, a memorial Was forwribiO to the Master of the Rolls, as the official keeper of all public records, in order that literary men en- gaged l# historical or antiquarian inquiries should be exempted from the fees now required at the. Bolls' Chapel, et. the Tower, at the Chapter_ house, Carlton Ride, &c. . The Master of the Rolls returned a favour- able answer to this memorial ; which was signed by Lord Mahon, Presi- dent of the Society of Antiquaries, by Lord Strangford, Lord Bmybrooke Lord Londesborough, the Bishop of Oxford, Mr. Macaulay, Mr. Hallam, Dean Milman, and a long list of well-known literati. That answer was taken into consideration at a meeting of the subscribers to the memorial on Monday last, over which Mr. Payne Collier presided; when several resolutions were unanimously agreed to, expressive of the gratitude of all men of letters, especially of those engaged in historical investigations; for the concession thus made, and with so much alacrity, on the part of Sir John Romilly. It appears that, until the new record offices are com- pleted, some temporary arrangements are to be adopted, under which all persons who are not making professional searches on behalf of clients, but who are employed bond fide in the acquisition of historical informa- tion, shall be entirely exempted from the payment of any money for facilities afforded in the various situations where records are now de- posited. When all these documents shall hereafter be brought into one collection, the Master of the Rolls has undertaken to make new and permanent regulations upon the subject. It will be obvious that an im- portant step has been thus gained, and that what has hitherto been felt by men of letters as so great an inconvenience and so severe a hardship will ultimately and ere long be removed,—./liereing Chronicle, The Royal Commissioners of the Great Exhibition of Industry have resolved to close the Exhibition on Saturday the 11th October. On Wednesday the 15th October, the Commissioners will hold a meet- ing in the building, to take leave of the exhibitors, jurors, and foreign and local commissioners, and the members of the local committees.- Imme- diately after the meeting, the exhibitors will have permission to remove their goods. The reports of the juries and the names of the_prizemen will be published in the London Gazette. The Commission intend to do more than give medals to the prizemen—they will present the foreign and local commissioners, the chairmen, treasurers, and secretaries of local committees, and other persons who have rendered services in promoting the Exhibition, with a permanent memorial of the undertaking, by dis- tributing medals to each, -accompanied by a certificate and a copy of the• reports of the juries. The medal of Mr. Leonard Wyon will be given to the prizemen; that of M. Bomardel to the persons recommended by the council of chairmen, for the reasons stated specially in their reports ; and that of Mr. Adams will be given to the jurors. Two additional medals will be struck, for the exhibitors, and for persons who have rendered other services to the Exhibition. The distribution of medals, &c. on a single occasion will be a physical impossibility ; yet it is desirable to pre- sent them simultaneously : as time must elapse for the preparation of them, it will be most desirable to fix a limited period within which each individual may make such arrangements for receiving medals, books, and certificates from the Commission, as may best suit his personal con- venience. Due notice on this point will be given.

The hour of opening and closing has been altered : the doors are now opened at nine o'clock instead of ten, and closed at six o'clock instead of. seven.

The number of visitors on Saturday last, at the half-crown rate, was 16,741 ; and the sum taken was 16211. 7s. 6d. The numbers this week were—on Monday 51,525, Tuesday 57,059, Wednesday 44,567, Thurs- day 60,482, Friday 17,978 ; and the sums taken, at the shilling fee, were 26111. 168., 27731. 168., 2218/. 18s., 24711. 2s. ; the sum taken yesterday, at the half-crown fee, was 1957/. 12s. 6d. The sale of season-tickets MIA not ceased even this week.

The followers of Emanuel Swedenborg have thought that the congress. of thoughtful and enlightened men drawn hither by the Great Exhibition, is in "the present time of distraction, confusion, and chaos of theological systems," a conjuncture favourable for a new publication of their own system of belief, as "an ark of safety, security, and peace for the whole of mankind." Accordingly, there met in the Freemasons' Hall, on Tuesday, a numerous assemblage of ladies and gentlemen from all quarters of the globe, who hold the tenets of the New Church of Jerusalem, to dis- cuss and publish a series of propositions embodying their principles. The Reverend F. H. Smithson, of Manchester, presided.' The first resolution referred to the successful endeavour to unite all nations in friendly indus- trial competition, and proposed that men should also " unite en the higher ground of genuine Christianity, and in promoting peace on earth and good-will towards men." The Reverend Mr. Shaw, the Reverend Mr.. Storry, of Dalton, and Mr. Parry, of Ashton-under-Lyne, were the speakers. The second resolution affirmed that the conflict of sects.

arises from faith having been exalted above love or charity," whereas charity is supreme in the Christian revelation. The Reverend Mr. Clis- sold, of London, and the Reverend Mr. Prescott, from Cincinnati in the United States, enforced this tenet. On the motion of the Re- verend Mr. Bruce, from Edinburgh, and Baron Dirckinck, of Copenhagen, it was then affirmed that this union can be effected by the New Church of Jerusalem, because it is "not a new sect, but a new dis- pensation," which is "a higher development of the previous dispensa- tion." The Reverend D. Howarth, of Salford, the Reverend E. Madely, of Birmingham, and Dr. Merriman, of Michigan, spoke on a categorical statement, under four heads, of the principles of the New Church of Je- rusalem as expounded by Swedenborg. Dr. Tafel, of the German Uni- versity of Tubingen, M. Le Boys des Guays, of St. Amend, and M. Oegger, of Versailles, formerly the premiere vicaire of Notre Dame but now a convert to the New Church, supported resolutions affirming that "the word and the works of God," "science and true theology," must ever go hand in hand ; and that the facts showing a new Ems in the na- tural world—in the progress of civil liberty, the diffusion of knowledge, and the advancement of science—proceed from a spiritual cause, and are the precursors of moral and spiritual improvement. A resolution was then passed which recommended the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg to the men of all creeds, as "containing the most momentous disclosures respecting the eternal world and state, and the most exalted views of Divine truth ; as at once rational, philosophical, and Scrip- turah" They were "not inspired, but were illustrated by a supernatural degree of light." The proceedings lasted five hours, and afforded great delight to tho au- dience.

Judgment in the case of Egerton versus Brownlow was delivered by Vice- Chancellor Lord Cranworth on Wednesday. The questions arose under the will of the late Earl of Bridgewater, and involved the disposition of a fortune of 60,0001. or 70,0001. a year.

The late John William Earl of Bridgewater, who died in 1822, left his estates in eleven of the Southern, Midland, and Northern counties of Eng- land, in this manner. To trustees in trust, that they should allow his grand-nephew, Lord Alford, son of Earl Brownlow by the testator's niece, a-practical life-interest at all events. Then, after the death of Lord Alford, to the heirs male of his body in either of two events: that is to say, in the event that Lord Alford should in his lifetime have obtained the dignity of . Duke or Marquis of Bridgewater ; or in the double event that Lord Alford should become Earl Brownlow, (which it was likely, through family descents, that he would become,) and that he, or the heirs male of his body, should attain the dignity of Duke of Bridgewater within five years after LordAl- ford had so become Earl Brownlow. If neither of these events occurred, and neither Lord Alford nor his heirs got the dukedom or marquisate in the re- quisite time, the estates were not to go to Lord Alford or his heirs; but they were to go to his brother the Honourable Charles Henry Cust, the next son of Earl Brownlow, under similar conditions with regard to the attainment of a title. And ultimately, if the title were still unattained, the estates were given to still remoter parties—the Totten Egertons. Lord Alford died in the present year, without having become Earl Brownlee', or made any step higher in the peerage. He left an infant son, the Honourable William Spencer Brownlow Cast, who has taken the name of Egerton ; and this in- fant claims the estates, on the ground that the condition which made his interest dependent on the advance of his father in the peerage is, in the language of the law, "contrary to public policy." This claim is contested by his uncle, the Honourable Charles Henry Cust, now Egerton, brother of the late Lord. Alford ; whom the will of the Earl of Bridgewater bad placed next in the succession, if Lord Alford should not obtain the promotion coveted.

• It was maintained, that such a condition was bad, because it tended to the influencing of the Crown unduly to confer or withhold honours. Lord Cron- worth held that it did not do so. The power of the Crown to grant such a dignity was undoubted, and would be exercised in a just and fitting manner without reference to interests which might be collaterally affected. In one case, Lord Alford's heirs male would be benefited; in the other, Charles Henry Cost and William Totten Egerton, and his children in all probability. Her Majesty must be taken to stand perfectly neuter: if she should grant the title to Earl Brownlow' Lord Alford's heirs would derive a great benefit; if not, Charles Henry Cust, and those in remainderafter him : but the Crown being perfectly neuter, there could not be said to be any pressure on the Sovereign. to make or abstain from the grant. It was also argued, that the proviso might tend to induce Lord Alford to use corrupt means to obtain the title in question : but to hold this, would be to say that such means were the necessary steps to the object in view. Prima facie it must be supposed that such a condition would influence to good conduct, and not to acting dis- honourably. In the case of the "Earl of Kingston v. Piorrepont" (1 Vern. 5): 10,0001. was given to procure a dukedom ; and this the Court thought

i was an evident intention to apply the money unlawfully, and held it void. But this did not apply to the present case. The demurrers of the defendants must therefore be overruled.

The ease will be carried at once on appeal to the House of Lords. It would equally have been taken there had the judgment gone the other way.

At the Central Criminal Court, on Wednesday, Young and Muzzall, both young men, formerly clerks in the Gravesend Post-office, were indicted for stealing a letter containing bank-notes. This was the case in which the chief witness was Ellen Yeller, a young woman who had been married to Mizzen. Her elder sister had been his first wife ; and when he got tired of the second, he turned round upon her with the unexpected information that in law she was no wife at all. They separated. Correspondence, however, was still kept up, and thus she became acquainted with the robbery. Muz- zall's counsel objected to the reception of the woman's evidence; but the Judge ruled that it was admissible. It was given. Young was convicted of stealing the letter, and Muzzall of feloniously receiving it ; and both were sentenced to be transported.

In the same Court, on Thursday, Charles Best, clerk, and John Kelly, labourer, were tried for assaulting and robbing Mr. William Day, trunk- maker, of the Strand. This was a case in which the new mode of robbing by the assistance of the garotte was practised in Long Acre, on the night of the 27th of July. Mr. Day was half-strangled, and robbed' and the actors in the crime escaped. But a sight of them had been caught by more than one person, and they were arrested by-the Police. They attempted to prove an alibi, but failed, and here connoted. They were sentenced by Justice Erie to be transported for life.

At Southwark Police Office, on Wednesday, Lieutenant Bradshaw, of the Royal Artillery, was charged with assaulting .George Richardson, a guard on the South-eastern Railway. A number of witnesses connected with the rail- way, and a person who was present on the occasion, deposed to these facts. A train was proceeding from London Bridge to Woolwich; Lieutenant Brad- shaw and a number of soldiers were going by it ; the Lieutenant had two dogs; at first he wanted them to go free, but his servant paid their fare. One dog was put in a dog-box; Lieutenant Bradshaw, for a reason which he stated to the Magistrate, wanted the dogs separate, and wished to take one in his first-class carriage ; this was not allowed ; then he attempted, as the train was nearly on the point of starting, to put it in a second-class carriage which was occupied by aoldiers ; the railway people interfered, and Richard- son pulled the dog away ; upon which the Lieutenant struck the man. By railway law, no dog is allowed in a passenger-carriage. In his defence, Bradshaw said the guard pulled him back, and tore his epau-

let: he might have struck him, but the guard was wrong. " I paid for the dogs—in fact, more than the fare for a Christian ; and I think they ought to have Christian treatment." There was only one dog-box. Ward, the de- fendant's:servant, denied that his master struck the guard ; Otherwise he must have seen it. Mr. A'Beckett said, he was sorry that the Railway Com- pany should be compelled to bring a gentleman in the defendant's condition before him on such a charge : he had not only broken the bye-laws of the company, but actually assaulted the railway-officer in the execution of his duty. Under all the circumstances, he should fine him 61. Lieutenant Bradshaw—" But, Sir, the Railway Company had only one dog-box, and I could not put both my dogs together." Mr. A'Beckett—" Your case is settled. Have you any further evidence to bring against the guard, as I see you have summoned him ? " Lieutenant Bradshaw— I have not. Had I known the Railway Company was going to produce so many witnesses, I could have produced quite sufficient to support my case." Kr. A'Beckett- " Then I dismiss that summons, and grant a certificate to the Railway Com- pany." Lieutenant Bradshaw paid the fine, and left tie court, protesting- against the Magistrate's decision.

The young man, calling himself Ridley Franks, who has been victimizing pawnbrokers by means of forged post-office orders, has been committed by • the Bow Street Magistrate on three charges. This was the culprit's mode of operation : he pawned articles in London ; went into the country, got post-office orders payable to the pawnbrokers for a few shillings, skilfully altered the amounts, sent them to London, and got goods and balance of cash returned. Franks wrote to the pawnbrokers before he sent the post- office orders; so that they had the goods ready packed to despatch as soon as they received the order, not waiting till it was presented.

Some daring rogues have robbed the City Bridewell, in Bridge Street, Blackfriars. By scaling divers walls and buildings, they got into the court- yard of the prison, whence they entered two of the residences of the offi- cials, and carried off plate and other property. It is surmised that the thieves have been inmates of the gaol, and thus knew how the land lay.

The village of Tottenham has been the scene of a tragic occurrence. In the house of Mr. Broad, clerk in one of the Lombard Street banks, resided M. Carl Itagehiek, a young German, of good circumstances, and of good con- nexions in his own country. Between this young man and the daughter of Mr. Broad there was an attachment ; but the father had objected to a mar- riage, chiefly on account of Ragelaek's eccentric conduct on several occasions; ' Mr. Broad feared that his young friend would not continue of sane mind. llagelaek left Mr. Broad's house lately, to return to his own country ; but it appears that he remained in England, possibly in the neighbourhood of Tot- tenham. On Wednesday he returned suddenly, and gave a somewhat inco- herent account of himself. In the evening, when Mr. Broad was absent, Miss Broad heard her lover's footstep in the garden, and than heard him knock at the kitchen-door. Having been alarmed at his manner when he entered the house that day, she ran to the door to oppose his entrance. He- knocked again ; and on her speaking, said, " Are you alone ? " She replied, " No, my mother is with me " ; but opened the door a few inches, keeping her knee against it for security. He burst in, clasped her round the waist, and struck at her side repeatedly with a dagger. She caught the instrument several times in her hands, but had been once or twice gashed, when her mother came to her assistance. Ragelaek then turned upon the mother, and the daughter fled to the neighbours for assistance. As the neighbours hast- ened back with her, they met Mrs. Broad in the road, wounded in several places like her daughter, but more dangerously. On entering the house, Ragehlek was found on the floor in the agonies of death : he had stabbed himself eight times in the abdomen and chest, and he died almost immedi- ately after they arrived. On his body was found a belt containing upwards of 1001. in German money, and in his pockets 7L 17s. of English coin. Ragelaek was thirty-five years old ; Miss Broad is about twenty. Both Mrs. Broad and her daughter were going on well under the surgeon's hands on Thursday evening.

A fight arising from a squabble in a skittle-ground at Hoiden has ended fatally ; Henry Gregory having struck John Dutton a blow under the ear which soon caused death.

A fire on premises at Rotherhithe on Tuesday evening made a tremendous blaze ; the stock destroyed consisting of peat, small coal, oil, tar, and naphtha—the materials for making a patent fuel. The pouring of water on the fire only seemed to make matters worse ; so the firemen directed their efforts to saving the surrounding buildings. Mr. Batchelor, the owner, is not insured.