23 AUGUST 1856, Page 10

Ittins fu Of Cant


Kensington, 19th August 1856. Ste—Having been a subscriber to the Spectator something like twenty

years, I am fully convinced of your desire to be fair and put the saddle on right ght horse ; which induces me to say a few words on that fertile theme

the iniquities of the London bakers. However efficacious the notable remedy of preventing bakers from giving credit might prove if put in practice, I deny that the disproportion between the price of wheat and of bread arises from the cause stated, but rather, be- cause between the corn-factor at Mark Lane and your humble servant the miller intervenes, and refuses to lower the price of flour more than 4s. per sack, notwithstanding the large reduction in the price of corn. A half- penny per quarters in the price of bread is equivalent to such fall in the price of flour : therefore, the miller, not the baker, is the person in this instance upon whom the wrath of the public should descend. So far from charging 25 or 30 per cent extra to cover bad debts, I could quickly prove that amount to be nearly double the percentage we get altogether ; which leaves but little margin for bad debts, or property-tax either, after paying expenses.