23 AUGUST 1919, Page 14


(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your correspondent "H. J. M." is strictly accurate in denying that the coal-mines in the Forest are nationalized. My object in calling attention to them is because they afford an object-lesson on a large .scale of the State drawing royalties from coal-mines, and at the same time being owner of the whole adjacent property. The Woods and Forests lease the coal-mines to Free miners, who alone have a right to them, subject to the Forest laws and customs. Free miners are miners who have been born in the-Hundred of St. Briavels and have worked a year and a day underground. The Hundred includes East and West Dean. The State has done nothing to, improve the social condition of the mining population, except to sell cottage lots to miners at the best possible price. Where the State is owner no improvements can be expected from a bureaucratic Government, which cannot be expected to take large views of its responsibility as landowner for the improve- ment of the social and moral conditions of the population. Let any one go to the Forest and judge for•himself.-1. am, Sir, &c.,