23 AUGUST 1919, Page 15



SIR,—You were good enough last year to insert a paragraph in the Spectator in connexion with the Musical Fund started by me on behalf of the wounded soldiers in the Star and Garter ' Hospital. I enclose herewith a ehort statement, duly examined by the auditors, for your information and that of your readers who have contributed-to the fund. I also enclose copy of letter received from- the Superintendent of the 'Star and Garter

asking me to continue the good work, and to enable me to do this I shall be very grateful for your assistance to obtain some further funds. Through the notice in your paper last year I received a considerable number of instruments of all sorts and kinds. These have all been repaired and put in order and sent to the ` Star and Garter,' whilst a number of instru- ments had been purchased previously. Whilst musical instruments are not at present required for the ` Star and garter,' they would be gratefully accepted for Discharged Soldiers' Clubs formed by the Comrades of the Great War. During the war the number of beds in the hospital was under a hundred, but I now understand it is intended to enlarge the building for more than double the number of patients. I would bring to your notice the fact that this fund was started by a donation of £50 from the Comrades of the Great War.—I am, Ely House, 13 Charterhouse Street, Holborn Circus, E.C. 1.

[We are sure that our readers will take Colonel Young's balance-sheet " as read," as we have not space to reproduce it.—En. Spectator.]