23 AUGUST 1919, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—For the first time I have seen in. one of your corre- spondents' letters an experience similar to mine regarding shapes of things learnt by rote. I have never seen colours in' figures, but the numerals are always in certain angles in my, brain. From 1 to 6 is a straight line slanting up, then a sharp turn down to 11, turn up to the right to 12, then a long slant up to 20, whereupon from 20 to 1,000 and after is an inter- minable long level line. The weeks slant down from Sunday to Saturday, the months are a perfect circle, December facing Tune, the spring months facing the autumn. The Lord's Prayer is at the bottom of a square. It has never moved from there since the whole of the top part of the square was filled by a child's prayer, each petition of which had its exact corner or space in the square. The Lord's Prayer in my brain goes on a slight incline down with no angles at all. It fills the bottom line of the square, beginning at the left-hand corner.—