23 AUGUST 1968, Page 28


Across 1 Destroyers of shipping in more ways than one (8)

S This can't be the password! (6)

9 Orangemen? (8) 10 Something of an inspirer entertains (6) 12 Potent stuff in the barrack room (6) 13 Draughty northerner! (8) 15 Poor things mix with bits off the block (4, 3, 5) 18 Sterling meteorological condition? (6, 6) 23 Hooded? (8) 24 Basic union member (6) 26 What's the -point of making groovey music? (6) 27 How a zealous fireman might be directed? (4-4) 28 The old men's house (6) 29 Painter, or musician? (8) Down 1 Garcon going on to a dance makes a song (6) 2 They should cook your geese! (6)

3 Hark, CIA causes havoc in the eastern city (7)

4 'Aristocrat, democrat, autocrat—one who can — and dare not lie' (Tennyson) (4) 6 A Moorish register? (7)

7 Hark the radio, or is it a discussion on hearing? (6-2) 8 'A deep — hath humanised my soul' (Words- worth) (8)

11 A lounger's inclination? (7) 14 Hell in Latin but like a crustacean (7) 16 In a word, it's simply amazing (8) 17 Learns in spasms about Pussyfoot, untidy creature! (8) 19 Paul, in 'the box' returning for shoulder- piece (7) 20 It might be rash to touch them! (7) 21 News agency gets ring for earnest request (6) 22 Is his a put-up job? (6) 25 The net result? (4) Solution next week Solution to Crossword no. 1339. Across: 1 Pro- gress 5 Spirit 9 Lad's love 10 Graven 12 Thalian 13 Onitsha 14 Advice bureau 17 Installation 22 Integer 23 Plaster 24 Ernest 25 Perianth 26 Sucked 27 Bean-pole. Down: 1 Polity 2 Odd man 3 Rallied 4 Seven pillars 6 Purlieu 7 Ravished 8 Tantalus 11 Modesty-piece 15 Citizens 16 Iso- tonic 18 Auguste 19 Oration 20 Stingo 21 _Archie.