23 AUGUST 1975, Page 5

Sir: Following your 'Notebook' item on the future of The

Spectator 1 would like to put forward some suggestions: A return to letterpress printing. If .litho is to be retained perhaps a sparing Ase could be made of half-tones: they, could be useful on the arts pages. A reduction in the number of diary features.

The reintroduction of the front-page leader.

The incorporation of 'Society Today' items into the front of the paper ttlgether with a more flexible approach to these topics. Longer articles could be Carried some weeks and left out on others.

An improvement in the layout. The present typography does not fully reflect the character of the paper. A generally more weighty approach Without becoming too "moderate.'

Geoffrey Hubbard

77 Barton Street, Tewkesbury, Glos