23 DECEMBER 1837, Page 12


The operations of the week have been su trilling as scarcely to afford scope for any remark till to-clay the fluctuation of Consuls had not exceeded per cent., and the other Government :Securities have been equally steady. AU the momentary alarm that was caused by the dm monstrations made by the King of Holland in the Luxemburg affair, scenic to have passed away ; and till this afternton there did not appear to exist much fear with respect to the state of affairs in Canada. The news, however, just received, has shaken confidence, in some degree ; and since two o'clock Cureads have fallen per cent. Bank Stock has receded from its previous quotation of 206, and is to-day at 206. This stock will probably fluctuate considerably till the fears of a reduction of the dividend are entirely set at rest, by a more satisfactory disclosure of the Bail;., affairs. India Stock has advanced about 1 per cent., and was yesterday quoted at 264. In the Fureign Market, Brazilian Stock basexperienced an improvement; an extensive purchase, on behalf of a large capitalist who is intimately miaowed with that part of the world, having absorbed most of the floating stock. The other Foreign Feuds have been but slightly affected, and the fluctuations unim- portant. The Railway Shares are heavier; Loudon mid Birmingham being quoted a/.

SATVIIDAV, Fore o'CLocru.

The Consol Market showed symptoms of reaction from 92; and on the publication of a second edition of the Times, giving a less unfavourable ac. countof the affair at Fort St. Charles, the price rose to 921 : from that point, however, the decline was resumed ; and although a purchase of 150,000/. by an eminent broker, at 91Z, gave the market a temporary firm- ness, it afterwards continued to fall, till the price reached 911; which was 2; below the highest price of yesterday. From that point another rally occurred ; and, after being at 911-1 92, the closing price is 914 -. Bank Stock has been done at 203/ ; but we cannot quote any transaction in India Stock. The Foreign Markets have been in a great degree governed by the fluctuation in Consols; and, with the exception of Dutch Stock, close nearly at the morning's prices. The business has been principally confined to the Northern European Continental Stocks, and to Brazilian ; Spanish and Portu- guese having been neglected. South American Stocks are heavy at our morn- ing's quotation. The Railway Shares are all quoted nominally lower.

3 per Cent. Consols Shut Brazilians per Cents 7:I 701

Ditto for Account 911 Danish 72 73 3 per Cent. Reduced 904 t Dutch 2/ per Cents 521 1 New 31 per Cent. Anus tank Stock Shut Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 219, 21% t 203s 2041 Ditto 3 per Cent. India Stock Russian (1522) 5 per Cent .. 109 11U Ditto Bonds 28 pm, Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... IN Exchequer Bills: 45 47 pm. Deferred Sleek 61 4 itelgiau 5 per Cents 101 Passive Ditto 31 4 lower than last week, anti the Great Western and Southampton about V. The united Brighton, to which most of the business has been confined, Las also fallen about 11. This alteration has been principally occasioned by a similar depression at Liverpool and Manchester ; our market being now entirely guided by the fluctuations at those places. Manchester and Birmingham Shares, which are a union of the Manchester South Union and Cheshire Junction Companies, had been quite neglected, and had fallen to 21. or 8/. discount ; but the success of the Grand Junction Railway, now in operation, between Liverpool, Man- chester, and Birmingham, has revived speculation in them ; and on Monday

they were done at par. This quotation has not been supported, and they arc now 1/. a share lower.


Consols have fallen 1 per cent. since the opening of the market, the first price having been 9311, and the present quotation being 92 92!;. Bank Stock is also lower, being 204 206; and India Stock is 268 to 263 ; but both these quotations are nominal, not a single bargain having as yet been effected in either of these Securities. India Bonds are 28 prem. ; Exchequer Bills 43 prem. In the Foreign Market, all descriptions of Stock are lower. Belgian and Russian Bonds are quoted, the former at 1001 to 1011, and the latter at 108 to 110; but both these prices must be considered nominal, as not a single transaction has occurred in either of these Stocks. Brazilian are 79 to 791; Dutch T%vo.and• a•Half per Cents. are also lower, viz. 521 53; Portuguese Securities are lower ; the Five per Cents. 99 to 991; the Three per Cents. 1919!;. Spanish Stock has declined, without much business having occurred; the Active is quoted 19,1 j, but.has not been done lower than ; ; the Deferred Stock is nominally 61 and the Passive 33. Railroad Shares are heavier—Birmingham and Loudon 60115, but no business has been done ; Quarter Shares Ditto have been done at 171; Great Western 8 9 prem. ; Southampton New Shares 10 to 11 prem., Old 131 141 dis. ; Birmingham and Manchester 2 to 1 dis. South An:erre-in Stocks are all lower, Columbian have been done at 23; ; Mexican are 26 261 ; Peru. vian 191 20.