23 DECEMBER 1837, Page 16


The Hisfory of Party • from the Rise of the Whig and Tory Factions in the Reign of Charles II. to the Passing of the Reform Bill. Ity George Wiogrove Cooke, Esq. Bin rister-ahlaw, Author of " Memoirs ol Lord Bolingbroke," Se. Vol. HI.

FICTION, Alacrone. Jane Lomas, or a Mother's Crime. By the Author of " Bramblef ye House," Re. In 3 sole Collmrn. BuylaAvily,

The Modern Pythagorean ; a Series of Tales, Essays, and Sketches, by the late Robert 3Iacnish, LL.D. With the Author's Life, by his Friend, II. M. Moir. In 2 cols Cadell ; Blackwood, Edinburgh. Sermor,nooss, A First Reading-book for the rse of Schools. By the Reverend J. M. 111•Culloch, Minister of Kelso A Secood Reading.beek. By the Semo A Thiel Reading.hook. By the ame

A Series of Lessons in P "frose and Verse. by the,Same. Seventh Simpki* mut Co. Edition A Course of Elementary Reading in Science and Literature. By

the Same Sixth Edition