23 DECEMBER 1843, Page 6

gortign anti Tolonial.

Seas:v.—The long debate on the Queen's declaration against S. Olo- zaga continued in the Cortes at Madrid on the 14th. On the 9th, S. Lopez made an energetic speech against the Moderados, which he con- tinued on the 10th. Alluding to the declaration, he said —

With respect to the appearance of truth given to the events of the 28th, ac- cording to her Majesty's declaration, he would merely apply the words of the Spanish poet—" Do you think I am such an idiot, when I invent a lie not to give it the appearance of truth ? " He prayed the Moderados not to provoke him to make further revelations.

Lopez moved, that it was not expedient to discuss the question of a message to the Throne. The motion was rejected, by 7; to 62. On the 12th, General Serrano was among the speakers. His account made it almost certain that the decrees for Olozaga's dismissal were the work of "he Camarillo. When Serrano joined the Council on the subject, he -1 four different drafts of the decree, either of which he refused to ''ecause he had had a difference with S. Olozaga. He attacked .....overnment for making a display of military force, and for resort- ing to dismissals of Progresistas from office during the debate! On the *4th, Gonzalez Bravo volunteered further explanations ; asserting that Serrano and Cortina had concurred in condemning the conduct of Olozaga : they both, and Serrano in a very hostile fashion, declared the assertion to be " false " !

At the meeting of the Cortes, on the 10th, the names of the mem- bers appointed as a committee for examining the charges to be brought against S. Olozaga before the Senate were read. They consist of Madoz, J. Lopez, Cortina, M. Lopez, Posada, Pastor Dias, and Aylou. Five out of the seven are Progresistas ; a severe blow to the Modera- dos, strongly showing the tendency of feeling in the Cones.

FRANCE.—The King and the Royal Family removed to the Tuille- ries on Tuesday, for the winter.

The Moniteur of Sunday published a royal ordinance, countersigned by Marshal Soult, appointing M. Damon Minister Secretary of State for the Department of Public Works, in the room of M. Teste, who is appointed President of one of the Chambers of the Court of Cessation, and raised to the dignity of a Peer of France. By another royal ordi- nance, M. Hippolyte Passy, former Minister Secretary of State, is raised So the dignity of a Peer of France. Unimportant as these movements appear, they are considered indications of more important things. The removal of M. Teste is supposed to foreshadow Marshal Soult's seces- sion from office- " The nomination of M. Dumon is considered to prove," says the Paris letter of the Times, " the increasing influence and power of M. Guizot ; and would not fail to create in the Paris press a sensation that would not be easily allayed, were it not that the Opposition papers had attacked him with so much violence because of his contending that the various great lines of railroad should be adjudged to speculators, and not carried on by the State. This was la all probability the immediate reason for his dismissal ; which takes away from the Opposition one head of charge against Ministers."

The Duke of Aumale arrived safely at Constantine on the 4th instant.

An "Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of her Majesty Isabella the Second, to the Queen Mother," S. Donozo Cortes, arrived in Paris early in the week, to invite Queen Christina back to Madrid. One account says, that she declined, because she was also in- vited to take 10,000,000 francs with her in cash, of the 150,000,000 francs still remaining in her coffers; another, that she only delayed an answer to see the issue of the long debate in the Cortes on the Queen's declaration against Olozaga.

The great chess-match between M. St. Amant and Mr. Staunton closed on Wednesday. The match was, to win the first eleven out of twenty-one games. As it advanced, the utmost interest was excited. Mr. Staunton obtained a considerable start at first ; M. St. Amant suc- ceeded in "drawing" several games; then he began to win, and the lopes of his countrymen waxed. The Cafe de la Regence, where the champions played, was so crowded on Saturday, that six persons were carried home ill with the heat, and a municipal guard became necessary to keep order at, the doors. On Wednesday, the score stood thus—Mr. _Staunton, 11 games ; M. St. Amant, 6 ; drawn, 4. Mr. Staunton, there- fore, was victor. The stakes were 2001.; but much more money was /risked on the issue.

ROLLAND.—The Journal de la Kaye announces the death of William Frederick, Count of Nassau, Ex-Kiog of Holland, on the 12th instant, at Berlin-

" Nothing had given reason to expect so speedy an end of the life of the venerable Prince. He had been engaged in business that very morning; and was found by his Aide-de-camp sitting in his own chair, struck by a fit of apoplexy, and apparently dead. All the attempts which were immediately made to recover his Majesty proved fruitless."

Of the Count's immense fortune, 157,000,000 florios, (13,000,000/.0 he leaves 6,000,0001. to the present King of Holland, William the Se- cond; between 5,000,000/. and 6,000,000/. to the Countess of Oultre- mont, his wife ; the rest divided between Prince Frederick and Princess Maria Anne, consort of Prince Albert of Prussia,

CANADA.—The Morning Chronicle has, from "a well-informed cor- respondent," some further information respecting the recent Ministerial crisis in Canada. It is not very full or precise, but much more so than any thing which has yet been published in England— "lie gives us to understand that the difference between Sir Charles and his late Councillors has been long growing up; and has been the result of an ex- ceeding avant of tact in Messrs. Baldwin and Lafontaine. The Governor- General was not inclined to exercise any undue interference; but they, it is said, wished to exclude him from any voice in the management of affairs. They treated him as if he really formed no part of the Council over which he presided; and compelled him to assert his power, by acting as if he possessed none. It is said that the disagreement, long growing up, has at length been brought to issue on a point on which the retiring Councillors would be clearly in the wrong; that the question was not raised by any difference about any ap- pointment actually vacant, but that the Council insisted on a step unprecedented in constitutional history, namely, a formal stipulation on the part of the represen- tative of the Crown that no appointment should be made without their assent as a Council. To require the assent of an entire Council, instead of that of the head of a department, to every individual appointment, appears to us to be deviating from the rules of our own constitution, to the entire destruction of individual responsibility. But, apart from the propriety or impropriety of the principle involved in the demand, there can, we think, be no question as to the gross impolicy of raising a dispute on an abstract principle of government, when cir- cumstances had not rendered its determination necessary ; nor as to the inde- cency of requiring such a pledge from a Governor whose previous conduct had indicated no necessity for so binding him. At the best, men who break up a strong government for such a piece of pedantry as asserting an abstract prin- ciple by unnecessary pledges, must be regarded as very little fitted to conduct public affairs. But the same accounts represent the step taken by the retiring Councillors as more of a manceuvre than a mere blunder. It is said that they had staked their existence as a Government on the Upper Canada University Bill; and that, it being probable that they would be left in a minority on that bill, the very next day they picked this quarrel with the Governor as a pretext for slipping out of office, instead of being driven out by a Parliamentary vote. "If their statement be correct, whatever may have been the motive of the retiring Councillors for insistinjon such a pledge, Sir Chalks Metcalfe appears to have chosen wisely in preferring to dispense with their services rather than submit to their demands. Confident expectations are, we are informed, enter- tained of a decided majority of the Assembly rallying round the Governor- General, and supporting Mr. Daly, who remains in office, together with the colleagues whom he may get to share his labours. If this version of the re- cent events be correct, it will indeed be deplorable if Sir Charles Metcalfe should be unable to get support either from the present Assembly or from the electoral body of Canada. Such a tone on the part of the Assembly, and those whom it represents, would leave us little hope of avoiding a renewal of the dissensions and turbulence which distracted the two provinces before the Union. Bat, until the people of Canada have shown themselves so unwise as this, it is rather premature to condemn the principle of responsible government."