23 DECEMBER 1865, Page 3

During the greater part of the week the Consol market

has been very quiet, with a tendency to depression. On Saturday last the closing prices were 87/ 1 for money, and 874 1 for account. On Tuesday the quotations were one-eighth below these prices. On Wednesday the market became firmer, and has since steadily improved, the resolution of the Directors of the Bank of England not to advance their rate of discount having exerted a favourable influence. Yesterday the latest official quo- tations were as follows :—For money, 871 ; for time, 881 f. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 13,872,4091., being a decrease of 148.9941., and as nearly 500,0001. was withdrawn from the establishment during the week ending December 20, the influx of coin from the provinces must have been considerable. The Bank statement also exhibits a decrease of 228,3541. in the circulation of notes, as well as an increase of 42,8461. in the reserve of notes and coin. The stock of bullion in the Bank of France is 17,927,3161. The gold ships now on passage from Australia will bring 835,000/.