23 DECEMBER 1911, Page 3

The by-election in North Ayrshire has resulted in the defeat

of the new Scottish Solicitor-General, Mr. A. M. Anderson, who sought re-election, the seat being captured for the Unionists by Captain Campbell. In January 1910 there was a three- cornered contest, the Liberal winning by a majority of 238 over the Unionist. In December 1910 the Liberal won in a straight fight by 354. This has now been converted into a Unionist majority of 271, the figures being : Captain Camp- bell (U.), 7,318; Mr. A. M. Anderson (L.), 7,047. Perhaps the best comment that can be passed on this gratifying result is to be found in the admission of Mr. Anderson. Speaking after the poll had been declared on Thursday, he said he was sorry at the result, not only for his own sake, but for the sake of the Government. They could not conceal from themselves the fact that the issue was taken entirely upon the Insurance Act. Unionists will welcome the victory as an unmistakable indication of the awakening of Scotland.