23 DECEMBER 1916, Page 13


(To THE EDITOR or TEE "SrEcreros..")

Sre,—The National Council of Publio Morals, of which I am President, has instituted an inquiry into the physical, social, educational, and moral influences of the cinema, and its present and future possibilities. The composition of the Commission, which I give as a footnote, will command the respect and confidence of the country. There can be no question as to the importance of the subject of the cinema, with its power to be useful, and with its dangers, which might come from even careless management. It is at the present time the class of entertainment to which enormous numbers of our people go, partly because it is so cheap that it is within the reach of every one. The leaders of the industry are very anxious indeed to get things upon a sound and permanent footing, and they are supporting our inquiry; indeed, some of the most important representatives of the industry are upon our Commission. My Council is absolutely responsible for the whole of the expense of the inquiry, and we do need financial support of a generous character. We received this for the Birth Rate Commission which we conducted, and which was recognized on all sides, and not least by the Government, as useful. The Spectator has backed us in all our efforts, and I ask this space in your columns in order to bring before your readers our needs, and to express the hope that we shall get liberal contributions from them.—I am, Sir, &c., H. R. EIRRINOHAM. Bishop's Croft, Birmingham.

The following are the appointed members of the Commission s The Bishop of Birmingham (President); Principal Alfred Genie, M.A., D.D. (Vice-President); Lieut.-General Sir R. S. S. Baden- Powell, K.C.V.O., LL.D.; Sir W. F. Barrett, F.R.S.; Rev. Carey Bonner (Secretary, Sunday School Union); Right Rev. Monsignor Canon W. F. Brown; Sir Edward W. Brabrook, C.B. (Chairman. Child Study Society); Mrs. Burgwin; Mr. C. W. Crook, B.A., B.Sc. (President, National Union of Teachers); The Rabbi Professor H. Gollancz, M.A., D.Lit. (representing the Jewish Community); Mr. Edgar Jepson (representing the Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights, and Composers); Dr. C. W. Kimmins, M.A. (Chief Inspector under the Education Committee of the London County Council); Mr. W. Gavazzi King (Secretary, Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association); Sir John Kirk, J.P. (Director, Ragged School Union); Mr. Sidney Lambert (Director and General Manager, London Film Company, Ltd.); Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A., D.D. (representing National Free Church Council); Mr. A. E. Newbould (Chairman, Cinematograph Exhibitor? Association; Director, Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd.); Mr. T. P. O'Connor, M.P.; Dr. C. W. Saleeby, M.D., F.R.S., Edina Mrs. Mary Scharlieb, M.S., M.D.; Rev. James Merchant, F.R.S., Edin. (Secretary).

[The subject is undoubtedly worthy of close and impartial inquiry, and we are delighted to hear that the Bishop of Birming- ham and his colleagues have undertaken it.—ED. Spectator.]