23 DECEMBER 1989, Page 79

A selection of recent paperbacks

Non-fiction: The Literary Guide to the Bible edited by Robert Alter and Frank Kermode, Fon- tana, £9.99 A Passage to England by Nirad C. Chaudhuri, Hogarth, £6.95 The Best We Can Do by Sybille Bedford, Penguin, £4.99 Freud and Man's Soul by Bruno Bett- elheim, Pelican, £3.99

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

by Robert M. Pirsig, Black Swan, £4.99 Sacred Monsters by Daniel Farson, Bloomsbury, £9.99 The British Museum: Purpose and Politics

by David M. Wilson, BMP, £4.95 Tears Before Bedtime by Barbara Skelton, Hamish Hamilton, £6.99 Private View by Jocelyn Brooke, Robin Clark, £4.95 This War Without an Enemy by Richard 011ard, Fontana, £9.95 The Strange and The Good: Collected Memoirs by Roy Fuller, Collins Harvill, £7.95 The Sassoons by Stanley Jackson, Heine- mann, £8.95 Façades: Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell by John Pearson, Macmillan, £8.99 Home Life: Book Three by Alice Thomas Ellis, Flamingo, £3.99 Trial and Error by Robert Kee, Penguin, £3.99 Fiction: Difficulties With Girls by Kingsley Amis, Penguin, £3.99 The Lyre of Orpheus by Robertson Davies, Penguin, £4.99 The Lost Father by Marina Warner, Pica- dor, £4.99 When the Kissing Had to Stop by Constan- tine Fitzgibbon, Bellew Publishing, £5.50 Summer's Lease by John Mortimer, Pen- guin, £3.99 Libra by Don Delillo, Penguin, £4.99 W or the Memory of Childhood by George Perec, Collins Harvill, £5.95 The Woman who was God by Francis King, Flamingo, £3.99 The High Road by Edna O'Brien, Penguin, £4.99 A Separate Development by Christopher Hope, Minerva, £3.99 The Green Child by Herbert Read, Robin Clark, £4.95 The Hair of the Dogma and Further Cut- tings from the Cruiskeen Lawn by Flann O'Brien, Paladin, £3.99 each