23 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 12



On Monday, a notice was received from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, by which the public were informed, that the Exchequer Bills dated in the month of March 1838, viz. per 1st Victoria, cap. 12, 11,413,7501.—also the Exchequer Bills dated in Jul, August, September, October, November, and December 1837, January, lebruary, and March 1838, for the relief of the West India Islands, and for currying on Public Works—will be _paid off on the 18th March 1839 ; when the interest thereon will cease. The Bills will be received at the Exchequer up tu the 12th March inclusive ; and the New Bills delivered in exchange on the 19th March ; such New Bills to bear in- terest at the rate of lid. per day, instead of 2d., which is the rate of interest upon all Exchequer Bills now current. Mr. Ries has in this case adopted a middle course between the old lid. rate and the present 2d. one ; and the saving to the public will be to the amount of is. 7i1. per cent. per annum upon the 11,413,750/. Bills to be now exchanged, and of' that amount upon the whole sum of the Unfunded Debt, when the regular period shall arrive in June next for calling in those Bills which bear date from June 18.38, and consequently are not affected by the present notice. The innnediate effect of this proceeding has been to depress the premium upon Exchequer Bills to nearly the whole extent of the reduction of interest ; find the price, iithich was on Saturday 66s., has since been 59s.; and is to-day 59 61 for the -March, and 60 62 for the June Bills.

The fluctuations of the English Funds have not exceeded i per cent. Bank and India Stock, however, continue in demand ; the former has been done at 2061 and 207, and the latter at 256?1 and 257. The books of the various de. scriptions of Stock, the Dividends upon which will become due in April, will be closed and reopened at the following periods.


Ban M

Bank Slue aSrehnst Three per Cont. Reduced „ let A7,11 1192tthlt

Three-a o &a- I lalf per Cent. Redueed.. „ 5th „ 19th Thres-amlm-llalf per Cent., 1818

1,0112 :Intinities .,,, 26:11A :,, 2117011iii

Ammities Mr Terms of Years

Ohl 8.4101 Sea Annuities PI. . Ill ill FAS! hi.iiii Stuek,5 per cent Book Debt ,, 5th .. 12th In the Foreign Market, some considerable transactions have occu;reillitil:Dateh amid Belgian 'Bonds, at advanced prices. The Belgian have improved in a greater degree than the Dutch ; having been done at 100, which is an advance of 1 P" r cent. upon our last prices ; while the Dutch have not risen above i per cent. The Scrip of the new Brazilian Loan has made its appearance in the market to-day : the periods fixeii for the payment of the instalments are as under- 1185 per C,e,nt. on let March let April151

15 .,3 s I■ty

dt .Tifiitle

----- 15 ..lst July 78 The premium has been as high as 21 ; but hasssince declined to 11.

Brazilian Stuck, which was at 814 belbre the comingout of the New Loan, may be quoted 1 per cent. lower. The other South American Securities have been in demand, especially Columbian, which, upon intelligence of the intended des- patch of dollars on account of the Dividends from Venezuela, rose to 301 ; but has since fallen 1 per cent,

Both Spanish and Portuguese Stocks are lower ; but there is no political cause nir the depression, and it must be sought in the reaction of the market consequent Rpm recent speculation.

The speculation in Railway Shares has ceased : the transactions in them are few and unimportant ; and though there is sonuttinufs a difference of from 11. to 3/. on the quotation, suelt variations rail only be considered as the fluctua- tions of a confined market, and not its indications of the progress of any au- &Making the shares of which are thus affected.


We are without any fluctuations or business here this morning, almost every description of Foreign and English Stock being at yesterday's prices. India Stock is, however, higher, being quoted at 2574. The market for South American Securities is heavy—Columbian being 29 to i; Chinon 26 to 28; Mexican are also 2111 24. The Railway Shams are nominally as yesterday. London and Birmiugham 60 82 prem. ; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 24 25; Croy- don 12; i; Greenwich 17k; Southampton 441 5 per Shore; Great Western 13 prem. The new Brazilian Scrip is li 4 prem.


The little business that has been doing during the afternoon, has not caused any alteration in the priers; and every description of Foreign and English Brazilian 5 per Cents 80t 1 Dankh 3 per Cent. 76 Dwelt 21 per Cents 541 551 Port us:Ileac Regency 5 per Cue. 351

Inn. 3 per Cent 211 2

Russian ((822) 5 per Cent

114* 1 Spanish (I835) 5 per Cent... 191 4 i termini Stuck 8i 3 Passive Ditto 43 3


Stock chins at the morning's prices. 3 per Cent. Consols ..ex div 921 3 Dote Sr Aeconnt Di- 3 per Cent. Redeem 931 3

New :;1 per Cent. Aims 1001 3

Bank Stuck, 206 lndis stock . 2571 Ditto Bonds 62 Exchequer Bills 6062pm Belgian 5 per Cents 99l. 103