23 FEBRUARY 1850, Page 10

Sir Charles Wood appears to be getting well. On Wednesday,

he was said to be "recovering very fast " : this evening the Globe states that he " passed a good night, and is considerably better."

Mr. Sidney Herbert "was so unwell during the past week as to be pre- cluded from the performance of Parliamentary or public duties."

The Marquis of Granby is "very unwell," and similarly incapacitated.

Electric telegraph despatches from Berlin, of the 21st instant, state that Ring Frederick William was confined to his room from an acci- dent met in walking.

Accounts from Copenhagen, of the 14th, state that the ring of Denmark was confined to his bed with a violent fever: his state caused some dis- quietude ; but he was rapidly recovering. General Lamoriciere is seriously ill of brain fever, said to be induced by excitement at the treatment he received from the mob during the tree-of- liberty disturbances in the Quartier St. Martin, a fortnight since.

Letters from the Jura, of the 20th instant, state that Signor Mazzini has quitted Switzerland, and is now on his way to London.

The eldest daughter of M. Guizot is about to be married to M. de Witt, the lineal descendant of the celebrated Dutchman Jean de Witt.

M. Louis Spohr, the celebrated compose; while walking on the ice at Cassell, a few days since, fell, and cut his lead so severely that fears are entertained.for his life.