23 FEBRUARY 1850, Page 11

The farm-labourers of the district round West Lavington, Devizes, have

been resisting an attempt to reduce wages from 7s. to 6s. a week, by forcibly stopping farm operations. Some ringleaders having been ar- rested, more than a hundred men armed with staves marched to break open the prison; but they were deterred by a strong military detachment.

The second sale of land under the Encumbered Estates Act took place at Dublin on Thursday ; the Comniissioners acting publicly as their own auctioneers. The property was a feeding farm in Mayo, occupied by a gbod tenant. The bidders were all Irish gentlemen, and the purchaser was Mr. Pierce Joyce, of Galway, at 3,2001.-about twenty-three years' purchase. Dr. Longfield told Mr. Joyce that "a very small box would hold his conveyance," and he might pay the money and have the convey- ance " this 'clay if he desired it"