23 FEBRUARY 1867, Page 1

Baron Ricasoli has formed his new Ministry, taking Depretis, one

of the ablest and most moderate of the Reds, as his Chancellor of the Exchequer. He has also made a very able appeal to the country. In a short but well written circular to the Prefecta, he orders them to inform the electors that he never intended to leave the curds at the mercy of the Bishops—there is a score of votes; that he will introduce a new Ecclesiastical Bill based on the ver- dict of public opinion—there is a score more ; that he will give the provinces roads—there is the Southern vote ; and that he "will seek a revenue in economy and the reorganization of exist- ing taxes rather than in new imposts "—there is the whole electoral body. In spite of the bitter distress caused by high prices, Ricasoli will, we imagine, obtain a majority, the -more so, as the Church will not be able to fight him very hard.