23 FEBRUARY 1884, Page 23

A Late Remorse. By Frank Lee Benedict. 3 vols. (F.

V. White and Co.)—This is announced, we see, as an "American story?' It has, however, little that is distinctly American about it (we presume that the spelling " occnlist " is not peculiarly Transatlantic). We hear, indeed, of dollars rather than of pounds, and a young lady well born and highly educated keeps a village school, a sensible plan, if only women would take to it. The plot is of a kind with which we are familiar enough in the Old World, if the reality is not so common. Mrs. Alderly is anxious to marry her son to her niece ; to work this out, she contrives to damage the good name of the woman with whom the son is in love, and deoeives with a false story the lover of the niece. Granted the probability of this complication of affairs, the story is well enough told, though it would have been improved, as we are weary of saying, by compression. The heroine ia a fine, vigorous creature, with a good deal more strength than women commonly have, if she could drag a young lady, with all the weight of her clothes upon her, over the side of a boat.