23 FEBRUARY 1901, Page 3

The fine body of Canadian horse which Lord Strathcona, with

splendid liberality, equipped and sent out to South Africa, received a signal honour on Friday week. The regiment, numbering three hundred and ninety-three men and twenty-two officers, were summoned to Buckingham Palace and presented with a colour by the King, who, after giving each of the officers and men the war medal, addressed them in a brief speech of welcome and congratulation. " I irn.ow," he said, "that it would have been the urgent wish of my beloved mother, our revered Queen, to have welcbmed you also. That was not to be, but be assured she deeply appre- ciated the services you rendered, as I do." Colonel Steele, the gallant and distinguished commander of ,Strathcona's Horse, who, with a hundred of his men, shortly returns to South Africa to take up an important post under General Baden-Powell, replied in a few soIdier-like words, and called on his men to give three hearty cheers. The regiment was subsequently addressed at Kensington Barracks by Lord Strathcona, who said that the men of Canada could be relied upon in any emergency that might threaten the Maher- country in the future.