23 FEBRUARY 1934, Page 44


At the meeting held this week of shareholders of the Wandsworth and District Gas Company, the Chairman, Mr. Frank H. Jones, called attention to the fact that the company will have reached its centenary in October of this year. The record of the company has been a remarkable one. The capital of a hundred years ago of £5,000 compares with £4,000,000 today, and at the present time the company serves over 160,000 consumers and employs some 2,500 people. During the past year there has been a remarkable addition to the number of the company's customers, but partly by reason of the mild temperature and partly because of the use of the most Modern apparatus the consumption of gas per consumer had decline&. In other words, consumers were using ,gas to the same extent for their comforts, but more economically than heretofore. The Chairman spoke very hopefully with regard to the outlook and foreshadowed a reduction in working costs during the current year.

A. W. K.