23 FEBRUARY 1962, Page 16


SIR,-1 enjoy Miss Whitehorn's smart, amusing and intelligent comments, but wish she would not go around with her mind closed. A fortnight ago, writ- ing about rumour and credulity, she remarked that she believes 'EVEN Roman Catholics, though re- quired to believe in miracles in general, are allowed to be unconvinced about any one miracle in par- ticular.' One would think Roman Catholicism was some kind of mysterious cult practised by an ob- scure sect.

If Miss Whitehorn would come down from her Protestant Liberal pinnacle and look around her she might see that Roman Catholicism, the sole Christian Church for 1.500 years (Macaulay said, 'The Papacy was already old when Charlemagne was crowned'), is still the faith held, if not always practised, by many millions of the peoples who make up what we know as Western civilisation.

. As regards the miracles, I should have thought that all Christians must believe in the miracles recorded in the New Testament, and, as far as 1 know, Roman Catholics are not bound to believe in any others.