23 JANUARY 1830, Page 4

Stockdale the publisher was held to bail by Sir Richard

Birnie, on Monday, for an assault upon a Mr. Milne, a solicitor's clerk in Norfolk Street, Strand. Mr. Stockdale was accompanied by a lady, whose man of business Mr. Milne's employer was. This lady complained that her property was mismanaged ; and Mr. Stockdale had gone to play the bully on her behalf at the solicitor's office. He had in consequence been handed over to a police-man. It was stated by the clerk, that the lady was Harriette Wilson ; but this the lady herself denied, and the Magistrate said he believed she'was not that celebrated person.

Lieutenant Lambrecht, Mr. Frederick Cox, and Mr. Dudley Byrne, were examined at Union Hall on Tuesday, on the charge of killing Mr. Oliver Clayton in a duel ; and all of them were fully committed for trial. Several licensed victuallers of the City appealed to the Court of Aldermen, on Tuesday, against being compelled to act as constables. They had been chosen on St. Thomas's Day ; but the Court decided that they were excused from serving.. Robinson, one of the New Police, waited on Mr. Minshull, at Bow Street, on Thursday, to state that he suspected a surgeon of having given poison to the appli- cant's infant. After the child had swallowed a part of the prescription, it died in convulsions : the applicant submitted the remainder of the contents of the phial to several surgeons, who all declined expressing an opinion on the nature of the draught. Mr. Minshull recommended him to have the body opened. John and William Langley and John Langley's wife were brought up again at Marlborough Street on Wednesday, on a charge of having robbed Mrs. Langley's father of 1501. They had taken passages in a ship for New South Wales, but their luggage was left at the coach-office in Oxford Street. It was traced there by a person whose linen Mrs. Langley had stolen, and detained The prisoners addressed some threatening letters to the office-keeper about the detention of their luggage, and finally returned to town for it. They were immediately apprehended.

Thomas Sales and John Lee were committed at Union Hall, on Thursday, for having robbed the house of Mr. Bowles at Enfield, in Middlesex, in October last. A man of the name of Woods has already been hanged for his share in this burglary

A cab-driver was fined at the Mansionhouse, on Saturday, for insolence to Sir Charles Flower. He had agreed todrive Sir Charles, and when the Baronet ob- jected to the height of the steps, he ,indulged in some remarks on the shortness of his fare's " stumps ;" Land finally= he drove off with Sir Charles's walking-stick..