23 JANUARY 1841, Page 7


In consequence of an invitation from the electors of Kirkcaldy, to stand as a candidate for that district of burghs, Dr. Bowring arrived there on Saturday last. On the afternoon of the same day, he addressed the electors of the town, and those also in the neighbouring burgh of Kinghorn ; and on Monday he was received by meetings at Dysart, Pashhead, and Burattisland. In each place he disavowed all vexatious cpposition to Colonel Ferguson ; being desirous of abidino.e' by the real wish of the majority of electors, whichsoever they might favour. But the Doctor strongly represented the necessity of urging the great ques- tion of' commercial and financial reform ; and he told the electors that their selecting him would greatly strengthen that cause. On Tues- d a y , Dr. Bowring's Committee endeavoured to effect an arrange- ment with Colonel Ferguson's Committee, by which a contested election might be avoided. The proposition was conveyed in the following letter- , "To Colons! Ferguson's Election Committee-

" The Committee appointed by the friends of Dr. Bowring are anxious to remove any impression entertained in any quarter, that, in calling on that gentleman to stand as a candidate for the district they have been actuated by feelings of personal hostility or factious opposition. Their motives can be ex- pressed in very few words. Considering that the constituency are entitled to have for their representative the man who, from his experience, talent, in- tegrity, and industry, was best qualified to attend to their interests in Parlia- ment, they, after mature deliberation, fixed on Dr. Bowring as the man on whom that honour should, in their opinion, be conferred.

" Such being their motives, they are desirous that nothing should occur to divide or injure the Liberal interest ; and they have a proposal to make, of such a nature that if the friends of Colonel Ferguson decline to accept of it, they will bring on themselves the responsibility of any division that may occur. Colonel Ferguson has said that he is favourable to an extension of the fran- chise, and he has distinctly pledged himself in favour of the Ballot. Dr. Bow- ring's Committee, actin.' on a suggestion eloquently expressed in the Doctor's address of Saturday last, are ready to refer the question of the representation to whichever of these tests Colonel Ferguson's Committee may prefer. They will, therefore either-


"First—Agree that the question, whether Colonel Ferguson or Dr. Bowring shall be the representative of the district, be referred to a general vote of the whole adult male population, taken in such form as the two candidates may amicably arrange ; or,

"Second—If this proposal should be declined, Dr. Bowring's Committee will agree to submit the question to a vote of the electors taken by ballot. "If Colonel Ferguson's Committee will agree to stand by either of these proposals, on the understanding, that if the Colonel is found to be in the mino- rity he shall withdraw from the field, Dr. Bowring's Committee pledge them- selves to adopt the same alternative, and to insure his immediately retiring if the majority be found against him. "The Committee, in conclusion, take this opportunity of strongly urging the propriety of one or .other of these proposals being adopted, as a means ad- mirably suited for saving such a constituency as this from the evils of a con- test ; and they have the satisfaction of reminding their friends of the other party, that, on the occasion of a somewhat similar division in the neighbouring constituency of Cupar, a reference to the ballot, made by Mr. Ellice and ac- cepted of by the other party, was the means of obviating these evils. "By direction of the Committee,

(Signed) "ALEX. REID, Chairman."

The following "excerpt from the minutes of the Committee for conducting the election of Colonel Ferguson" was forwarded as the


" Inter alia—A communication from Dr. Reid, in the name of Dr. Bow- ring's Committee, addressed to this meeting, was read ; and the Committee having maturely and deliberately considered the same, the following resolution Was unanimously adopted, vim

"That this Committee decline any discussion of the motives which have in- fluenced Dr. Bowring's friends to bring him forward for the purpose of opposing a Liberal candidate who has already been favourably received by the electors. In the propositions now submitted to them, this Committee can see only a scheme which might result in still further disuniting the Liberal interest in these burghs. They resolve, therefore, to reject all such propositions; and they will rely, with perfect confidence, upon the good sense of the constituency to establish Colonel Ferguson's claims to represent them in Parliament.

"The Committee request the Chairman to communicate the above resign. tion to Dr. Bowring's Committee.

(Signed) "JAMES RUSSELL, Sec." Various private letters from Scotland represent Dr. Bowring as having, at the time of writing, the better chance. The Church ques- tion is not mooted.

Mr. Alexander Grant, of Carnousie, the Ministerial candidate for the Elgin Burghs, committed suicide on Monday last, the 18th instant. Deep speculations in tea are said to have turned out unfavourable, and to have prompted the unfortunate gentleman to this rash act. Sir Andrew Leith Hay was also in the field for these burghs ; but Mr. Duff of Haddo, on the Conservative interest, has been the favourite since the starting.—Morning Post, Jan. 22.

A meeting is to be held at Haddingtort on Friday, to take the necessary steps with a view to erecting a monument in East Lothian to the memory of the late Mr. Ferguson of Raith.