23 JANUARY 1864, Page 1

The French Government has sustained three more severe defeats, the

opposition candidate, M. Claparede, having been successful in Strasburg, M. Bravay at Nimes, by a majority of more than 12,000, and M. Buffet at Epinal. These incessant defeats outside the Chamber, and the merciless epigrams with which Government is pelted within, are said greatly to annoy the Emperor, and the wildest schemes are attributed to his immediate followers. M. de Persigny, it is said, seriously advises his master to declare Paris hostile to his dynasty, and assume, by a coup d'elat, the right of nominating all its representatives. The statement, though re- peated on all sides, is incredible ; but M. de Morny openly said in the Chamber that if Paria--were the brain of "France, France had a good heart and a bad head." So has the Chamber over which he presides. M. de Morny is not expected to know much history, but he might, at least, remember that Parisians forgive anything sooner than insult to Paris, which, if neither heart nor brain, is at least the nervous centre of all France.