23 JANUARY 1926, Page 20

. From her home in British Columbia " E. Barrington

" has published another historical romance (Glorious Ap011o.. HarriP. 7s. Ifid.), which' is -longer. than The Divine Lady, but On the Same_plan. The subject-matter, however, hardly comes up to the author's Ornate style. Byronremains to Many_ a cad, whatever they think of him as a poet. More, the' cause that led to his separation from Anne Byron, and that led her to keep closed her determined little mouth thrOugh long years of misunderstanding and mental torture, is a subject so tasteful that the whole book suffers by it. In spite of the brilliancy and dramatic .quality of much of the writing, the reader is h4unted by the suspicion of the foulnesS of -Byron's relations with his half-sister, even' under his .wite's loot; Probably, however, the book will be a "best seller,", -for the "beautiful pale face " of Byron, the mad passion of Caroline Lamb, the strange and cynical courtship of Miss Metcalfe, and the astounding amours attributed to Augusta Leigh make a medley of intrigue that the public will not resist. But we feel that in the words of_ Byron's day, a good deal of the high-falutin'. about the poet's woes is " mere barn,"