23 JANUARY 1926, Page 30


Quite the most interesting feature of -Mr. Sale's address to the Hndson Bay shareholders, however, wni Iihs nrilininice-

inent of the steps which -had. been taken, cligeetion of stimulating the immigration into Canada of suitable Persons from the Home Country. After referring to the. bright outlook in Canada and . the- opportunities afforded by the. .great resources_ of that country, he stated that the Hudson's Bay Cohimittie had 4undertakeri,i. in _ co:Operation with important steamship interests; the formation of a' company to be known as the " Hudson's Bay Company: Overseas Settlement, Limited." This enterprise, Mr. Sale. said. had received the full approval of the British and Canadian authorities, and the support and assistance of the two great railway systems in Canada, namely, the Canadian Pacific. and the Canadian National Railways. The announcement' is one to which I am inclined to attach considerable importance, for, granted the benevolent interest of the Governments of the two countries concerned, there is little doubt that the active promotion of an immigration movement into Canada, is most likely to be stimulated by private enterprise, More-: over, I am particularly glad to note the tendency in the Hud-.' son's Bay management to fill more completely the role which' ought to attach to any great-- 'Chartered company whose operations are concerned - with -our - Oversee- Dominions.. That role undoubtedly 'should -include ,a big vision with regard to the responsibilities attaching 'bi- the—development of Empire resources with a- keen-apprehension also of the. tangible results in the way of profits which_ should ultimately accrue to the shareholders of the company.

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