23 JANUARY 1926, Page 32


The Mailditeinent of the'Westihinliter he con- gratulated not:m:4771pol' tfie excellent ItepoW for thepast year, but also upon the steadiness of the improvementver a recent period of years. For the year 1923 tthe net profits amounted to £1,805,000, rising to 12-X4,000 for 1024, while for 1925 the total is 12,205"19;;.' In each of these years the dividend has been maintained it Y.0 per tent. on the £20 shares, and-121' Per. cent. Oil rthe..al :shares large allocations to special...funds; suehLalkicationa- on the present occasion in- cluding- 4200,000 Ofileers',-Pension- -.nine- In addition, howeyet,:,to- the maintenance of-tho-dividend, *the directors this year akallotting to holders of £20 sbareS on The :Register on Febthatly-'11iii‘ next; one 4aily'jpaid- -share -(ranking for dividend with theexisting.g1 shares as.from December 31st last) is respect of eVeryfiVe k20 'shires held, Making in the case of fractions a payment of 10s, (free of iricome tax) in respect of each fraction of £1 share. There will also be added to the Reserve: Fund a sum evil to the nominal'capital of the share to . be allotted.‘ Not only are- the shareholders of Westminster Bank to. be -congratulated upon • the present results Of sound management; but, from-the dePositcirs' point of view, tlie balance sheet, which was already a. strong and liquid one, has been still further strengthened by the-increase in the capital and the Regerve.