23 JANUARY 1953, Page 19

Sni,—What a strange world we live in. with someone writing

to a Sunday paper about the circus being cruel to humans, and even a reader of the Spectator saying that it is cruel to animals. Of course the trouble with T. B. Peacock is obviously that he has never even tried to train animals for the circus by kindness. I have; and my reason for doing so was simply to see if there was any truth in the assertion that this was impossible. If cats could be house-trained, gun-dogs taught to retrieve and collies made to obey a shepherd's whistle, it seemed logical to suppose that circus animals could be trained in the same way. How I accomplished this is no secret. It is fully described in my book A Seat at the Circus. This can be got from the.Rublic library without any fear of contributing to the royalties of the 'thoughtless, uncultured, evil and barbarous fellow, wha, nevertheless, remains—Your