23 JANUARY 1988, Page 20

Michael Horton

Sir: John Sweeney's article about my pre- decessor Mike Horton (`Speaking ill of the dead', 16 January) reflected little credit on your publication.

The fine traditions of The Spectator seem particularly ill-served by a squalid article, more suited to the pages of Time Out, where most of the piece had already appeared. Original and informed journal- ism used to be the hallmark of your paper.

Mike Horton, of course, cannot now defend himself. But his many friends and colleagues will be unshaken in their know- ledge that this was a man of rare qualities; a man whose generosity, honesty and sheer human decency deserves a better tribute then the ugly venom you allowed to seep into your pages.

Terence Fane-Saunders

Chairman and Chief Executive, Burson-Marsteller, 244-28 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1