23 JANUARY 1999, Page 26

Corporate contempt

Sir: There was a common theme running through those pieces by your two corre- spondents, Messrs Dunkley and Steyn; namely the contempt in which BBC man- agement mandarins hold broadcasters and anyone else who has anything to do with producing programmes. But what's new about that?

Many years ago, I remember attending a World at One Christmas party where I over- heard a couple of suits chatting to each other. One of them, a Very Important Per- son Indeed in Personnel, drew his col- league's attention to a gangling, 6ft 7in character across the room. 'See that tall chap over there?' he said. 'That's Gerry Priestland. Do you know, he's 55 years old and he's still only a broadcaster!'

Gerry loved that story. So what's new about BBC management today? Three things: there are many, many more of them around, they're much more highly paid and they're far too grand to mingle with hoi polloi, even when the hacks are buying the drinks.

Peter Smith

22 Wakelin Chase, Ingatestone, Essex