23 JULY 1831, Page 13


WAR-Orrice, July 19.-2nd Regt, of Life Guards: A. C. Streatfield, Gent. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice 5Iartyn, promoted-10th Light Dra- goons: Cornet J. Rowley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Heneage, who retires ; E. D. C. Hilliard, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase, vice Rowley-11th Light Dragoons : J. R. H. Rose, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase, vice Oakley, who retires-1st or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards : F. W. Hamilton. Esq. (Page of Honour to the King), to be Ens. and Lieut. without purchase ; J. Parkinson, Gent. to be Solicitor, vice Humphries, deceased-4th Foot : Lieut. W. H. Campbell to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Lardy, promoted; Ens. W. O'Grady Haley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Campbell ; J. I). Territt, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Haley-31st Foot: Lieut. Hon. It. Preston, from the half-pay of the 6th Regt. to be Lieut. vice Valen- tine, whose appointment has not taken place-35th Foot : Staff-Assist. Slug. A.H. Hall to be Assist.-Surg. vice Humfrey, appointed to the 95th Regt.-3Sth Foot : J. Dwyer, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Edwards. promoted-41st Foot : As- sist.-Surg. W. 1). Fry, from the half-pay of the 47th Regt. to be Assi.st.-Surg. vice Smith, appointed to the 46th Regt.-73rd Foot : Ens. J. Skene to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Bamford, promoted ; M. C. O'Connell, Gent. to he Ens. by purchase, vice Skene-79th Foot : E113. J. S. Smyth to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Isham, whose promotion has not taken place-98th Foot : C. Granet, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Mackenzie. promoted—Rifle Brigade : Capt. J. A. Henderson, from the halt'-pay, to be Capt. vice J. A. Ridgway, who exchanges.

Unattached—To be Major of Infantry by purchase, Capt. C. F. Lardy, from the 4th Rest. ; to be Lieut. of Infantry by purchase, Ens. R. Mackenzie, from the 98th Regt.—Hospital Staff : Assist.-Surg. A. Callender, from the 91st Regt. to be Assist. Staff-Surg. vice Hall, appointed to the 35th Regt.

Memoranda—The under-mentioned Officers have been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of Unattached Commissions, viz.:—Major H. Smith, half-pay unattached; Lieut. G. T. Latham, half-pay 27th Foot.