23 JULY 1831, Page 13


JULY 23.—The following Gentlemen of this University4vere lately ordained by the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry:—Deacons—J. Colley, B.A. St. John's Cotlege; W. M. Hesketh, B.A. ; F. W. H. Layton, B.A. St. Peter's College; C. Smith, B.A. and J. Spencer, 'B.A. Trinity College; and R. Cox, B.A. Corpus Christi College. Priests—B. S. Broughton, B.A. Christ's College t W. Fison, B.A. St. John's College; W. Fletcher, B.A. and T. Moore, B.A. St. Peter's College ; H. J. Greene, B.A. Trinity College; G. Harrison, B.A. Catharine Hall; W. H. Holt, B.A. and J. Paley, B.A. St. John's College.