23 JULY 1859, Page 8


The Lord Lieutenant received on Wednesday addresses of welcome from Trinity College, the Royal Hibernian Society, and the Royal Dublin Society. In the course of his reply to the deputation from Trinity College, Lord Carlisle said—

"It would be singularly unjust if the proceedings adopted of late years in your University to throw wider open its area of instruction, of emolument, of honour, to adapt its methods of tuition to the varying and expanding demands of an active and ardent era, and at the same time to foster with undiminished reverence the studies and models which have been sanctioned by the collective judgment and universal experience of mankind as the types of excellence, did not secure for your time-honoured institutions the credit alike due to wise conservatism and enlightened progress." ' The Kinsale Magistrates have found the Antrim Artillery 501. for da- mages done in the late riot at Kinsale. The officers have paid it under protest. Lord Massareene has gone to Kinsale to investigate the case, and - he states in a letter read by Lord Ripon in the House of Peers that inquiry will show that the Antrim men were assailed by the mob in the execution of a premeditated design.

An asrarian outrage has just occurred in King's County. A band of ruffians invaded the house of one Duffy, care-taker on a farm from which two brothers have been recently evicted. They shot him with a gun, and beat him with bludgeons, and when his little daughter, throwing herself on him, implored them to have mercy, they beat her fiercely also.

" General" James Racket, a noted Belfast Ribandmant has been arrested, .- and is to be tried for his share in the Phoenix Club conspiracy.