23 JULY 1881, Page 24

We have received An Abridgment of Adam Smith's Wealth of

Nations. By Wolseley P. Emerton, B.A. (Thornton, Oxford.)—Mr. Emerton has republished here in one volume a work that originally appeared in two parts, furnishing it at the same time with notes, appendices, and an index, making thus a very useful text-book. It is, indeed, a very modest name to give to a work which has not been put together without conetant reference to a very considerable num- ber of writers who deal more or less directly with the same subjects. —Horncastle's Newspaper List,1881.—A. concise and comprehensive. list of the principal newspapers published in the United Kingdom, —Books of Devotion :—The Churchman's Altar Manual (Griffith and Farran) ; A Year's Meditations, by Mrs. Augustus Craven, trans- lated from the French (C. K. Paul and Co.), originally written in French, it may, perhaps, be necessary to explain, and translated from that language by the author ; Private Devotions for Young Persons, by Elizabeth M. Sewell (Longmans).