23 JULY 1910, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Smcmma."] SIR,—May I be permitted a few words as to a sentence of your reviewer of " The Charm of Switzerland" in July 2nd issue of the Spectator where he says that " the soul of Samuel Rogers never travelled far from St. James's Place'? This seems hardly discerning criticism of a man whose friends alone might show his wide range of sympathies and tastes. Bnt apart from this, he was an ardent lover of Nature from his youth, and a constant traveller in days when travelling was only for the few; while his knowledge and love of art is well known, as Ruskin has gratefully declared. And though his poetry may no longer appeal to a modern world, it seems unfair to deny him a place among those who have helped that

world both to see and feel.—I am, Sir, &c., M. C. S.