23 JULY 1927, Page 33

Two good hooks on motoring are Motoring without Trouble (Heath

Cranton, 6s.), by Mr. George Morland, with a short Two good hooks on motoring are Motoring without Trouble (Heath Cranton, 6s.), by Mr. George Morland, with a short preface by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu. and The Motor Car and How it Works (Mills and Boon, 4s.), by Admiral Sir Reginald Bacon. The latter explains the principle of the internal- combustion engine with such crystalline simplicity that even the veriest duffer could understand. it. Unfortunately, people not mechanically minded are unlikely to read a book of this kind, involving as it does a certain amount of attention to diagrams, but they shOuld do so, for one can hardly call oneself educated in this day and age without a bowing acquaintance at least with the principles of the internal-combustion engine.

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