23 JULY 1937, Page 56


The address delivered at the recent meeting of shareholders of Richard Thomas and Company by the chairman, Sir William Firth, has been studied with interest not merely by the shareholders of that company but by all concerned in the great progress made by the steel industry during recent years. The company itself has had a good year and Sir William spoke hopefully with regard to the outlook, basing his views on the improvement in demand which shows no sign of abating, while increased activity has enabled the company to put into 'operation a ' larger percentage of its finishing plant. Sir William, in the course of his speech, paid a tribute to the part taken by the National Government in promoting the revival of prosperity in the steel industry. Our own industry, he said, "has greatly benefited by tariff protection, . the _Exchange Equalisation Fund and trading agreements. , Together. they have made business less hazardous and more profitable in both our home and -export markets. They have made possible an improvement in commodity prices, which has increased foreign' purchasing power, so beneficial to 'our export' trade." - - - * * * *