23 JULY 1954, Page 14

SIR,—Although I fully agree with the main theme of J.

M. Cameron's most interesting article, there is one difficulty which further examination. May I illustrate it frem it recent experience ? A member of my church went into a nu-nungtiani hospital over a year ago. Cancer was diagnosed. After an ox.ploratoo opera- tion it wits found to be advanced, and. mai. cally speaking, incurable. She was sent to another inure modern hospital. Several specialists examined her and inoperable carcinoma of the uterus was diagnosed. She was sent home and her husband was told she would never leave her bed.

During this time I visited her and- took her Communion and was deeply impressed by her faith. 1 had just read Dr. Weatherhead's wonderful book, Psychology, Religion and Healing, and I felt that the factors necessary for spiritual healing were present. At Com- munion I began to use the technique Dr. Weatherhead describes. In a few days she was up and about. Swellings that had been visible disappeared. She resumed normal life. That was over a year ago and today she is, apparently, well. I dare not say she is cured—I don't know—hut her own doctor "irks told me her recovery is wonderful.' At least she has had another year of useful life in which she has nursed her husband through a serious illness.

to the sick the problem is great and real and we are much in your debt for the serious consideration you have .given it.—Yours faithfully,