23 JULY 1994, Page 23

Taking exception

Sir: It may be that no journalist should cast aspersions at what another finds to fill a column, but Richard Littlejohn (Diary, 16 July) is not being altogether fair. He accus- es me, charmingly it is true, for calling him extreme for venturing to suggest that it is not the business of the NHS to inseminate women who find more traditional meth- ods of impregnation distasteful and for being of the opinion that children need fathers and mothers. Thus expressed, Lit- tlejohn's views are hardly controversial. And controversy was surely what he was after on his programme. For it was his behaviour, his tone — the ribald cack- lings, complete with squirtings from mock-sperm filled syringes and personal attacks — that I claimed to be so extreme that they made it difficult to conduct rea- sonable discussion.

Nigella Lawson

London W10