23 JUNE 1838, Page 11



hate varied between 95 and 951, and Reduced Three per Cents. between 931 and 94. tions hate been so trilling as not to afford scope for any remark. Consols for Account The business of the Stock Exchange has been quite unimportant, and the fluctua- The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved, and is to day 69 to 71; while bills of 1001. and 2001. each, which are always at higher rates than those for larger sums are quoted at 72. We have no quotation of India Bonds, in which scarcely a single bargain has occurred during the week : the nominal price is 75 to 77 prem. Tile retitle lion which will take place in these securities on the 30th instant will tenet to render them even less current than at present. Money on temporary loan has been rather in demand, at it higher rate or interest than usual.

The variation of prices in the Foreign Market has been as trifling as in the English ; not hat ing exceeded 6 to 4 per cent. in any of the Stocks usually quoted. Portuguese Ronda form an exception; where the alteration in price has been about 1 per cent., though the business transacted has been on the same limited scale as in other descrip tires of Stork. A few bargains have occurred in Spanish Active Stock to day ; and the price, which w as a, low as 211, has advanced to 22: the market also evinces more firmness than it has done for some time. In the Railway share Market, the attention of the brokers awl dealers has been almost entirely confined to the Great Western, in which some considerable fluctuation has occurred: the price has declined from 22 to 17, and has since risen to 21 prem. This minket will doubtless be in an agitated state until further experience shall decide 'upon the applicability of the principles 111)011 which the gigantic undertaking has been constructed. The decline to 17 was occasioned by nn exaggerated report of an acci- dent, where lice fracture of the axletree of one of the carriages was magnified into the dealt action of nee of the locomotive engines, accompanied with great damage to the Works or the railway. The Shares of the British Iron Company have experienced au nib anee of from It. to 2!.; the Directors having succeeded in raising the sum requisite to litplic'ate the demands upon the establishment caused by the recent decision in the CUP Of Swell and Alt wood. The amount 50 raised is 300,000/.; which has been obtained by the issue of debentures bearing 5 per cent. interest ; and with that sum all hicumbrances awl costs of litigation will be settled, and the mines and works brought into twit it y. The Shares of Claridge's Asphalle Company bare experienced a rise of firm GI. to V. ; a demand having arisen for the shares, which the market is of too limited a nature to supply. The other Asplialte shares are rather firmer ; btu, though some buyers have appeared, they were readily supplied at cutrent prices, and the markets are nominally better than previously. SATURDAY, TWELVE W(.1 OCK.

Very little is going on here this morning. and prices are nominally the same as yes- terday. Spanish Stock is, however, rather firmer, and has been done at 221. A notice has optimist from the Commissioners, stating that the drawing of Deferred Stork was to fake place at Madrid on the ltith instant ; and that security is COWS qucutly rather higher. The Directors of the Great Western Railway have this morning published a report to the Shareholders upon the state of that undertaking, which attributes t be i neon veuient vita-alio% so much the sulject or complaint, to the imperfect finishing or portions or the railway. iu conjmnctiou anti the Lad row.; isCiou of the carriages, cud 1.111)11.5Sta a coutiction that by attention to these points the inconvenience will be obN laded : the skirt. . which were quoted at 21 to 23, oiler It ail .e ay Shares. 3 leer I rot .Consols Consols shut Ditto for Account . 956

3 per Cent. Reduced 934 4 New 34 per Cent. Anus shut

Rank stock 2056 t

IndieSteek shot

Deno H is 74 76pm.

Exchequer Bills 09 711em.

Belgian 5 per Cents 1014 2

are since 20 to 22. No variation Brazilian 5 per Cents

Danish Dutch 24 per Cents

Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts

Ditto 3 per Cent. Russian (1322)5 per Cent Spanish (15:1515 per Cent

Deferred Stork

Passive Ditto in aoy

791 Ps

744 5 556

36 366 24 246 1126 13 2211 82

44 6