23 JUNE 1849, Page 7


The Queen has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Fox Hanle to be Lieutenant and Shetiff Principal of the shire of Forfar, in the room of David Earl of Airlie, resigned.—London Gazette.

' Meetings of Financial Reform Associations formed at Edinburgh and Haddington were held last week. At Edinburgh,—Mr. William Chain- hers in the chair,—Mr. Archibald Prentice attended as a Financial Reform missionary, from Manchester, and gave details of the movement, which ex- cited considerable interest. It was announced that the receipts had been 3021., and the expenses 2401. Instead of 15,000 tracts, it was hoped that 150,000 would be distributed next year.

Lord Ivory has pronounced a decision, accompanied by a valuable note, in favour of the title to sue possessed by the pursuers in the Glen Tilt case; with expenses against the Duke of Atholl.—Scotsman.