23 JUNE 1860, Page 20


Mr. Murray has in the press, and will shortly publish, "Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England," by Hepworth Dixon, being an in-i quiry into his life and cha.acter based on letters and documents hitherto unpublished. This work, though new in form and in material, will con- tain the substance of the articles which appeared in the Atheneum in January last. "Italy in Transition; Public Scenes, and Private Opinions in 1860," by +he Rev. W. Arthur, will be published shortly by Messrs. Hamilton, Adams, and Co.

Messrs. Saunders and Otley have in preparation :—" The Voyage of the Novara : an Expedition round the World ;" "The Life and Writings of Benjamin Disraeli ;" and " The History of the Church of England, from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth."

The first of Mr. Thackeray's lectures on "The Four Georges," which have never yet been printed, is to be published in the July number of the Corn/ill Magazine, together with some poems by the same author.

Mr. James Blackwood has in the press—" Remarkable Scenes of the Bible," by the Reverend Dr. Hughes ; "Rough Types of English Life," by the late Jelinger C. Symons ; and "The Curate of Inveresk, a clerical autobiography," by Bracebridge Heming.

Messrs. Chapman and Hall have in the press "From Hay Time to Hopping," by the Author of "Our Farm of Four Acres ;" and Messrs. Bradbury and Evans promise "My Kitchen-garden, my Cows, and Half- an acre of pasture," by a Country Parson.

The Paris correspondent of the 1fmk:1:endow Beige reports that there are at present no leas than forty illustrated weekly papers in Paris, twenty- one of which sell for ten centimes, or one penny, and the other nineteen for five centimes, or a halfpenny. Near upon a million of these papers are sold per week; and the proprietor of one of them, the Journal du Demanehe, is said to make out of his journal a clear annual income of 130,000 francs, or 52001.

Messrs. Michel Levy, freres, Paris, announce as forthcoming, "Le Budget de la France," by Henn Moreau - "Etudes sur la Constitution de 1852," by Leonee de Lavergne ; "Les Interets Materiels," by M. Haureau; and "Lea Premiers Proc.& de Presse sous la Restauration," by Duvergier de Hauranne.

The sixth volume of M. Francois Victor Hugo's translation of Shakes- peare's works has appeared this week. Classified under the general title "Comedies de r Amour," the volume contains the "Taming of the Shrew," (La Sauvage Apprivoisee), "All's Well that End's Well," (Tout eat Bien qui Finit Bien), and "Love's Labour Lost," (Peines d'Amour Perdues)

"Resits de PHistoire Romaine au Cinguieme Siècle," a new work by the historian of" Attila," M. Amedee Thierry, has been published by Messrs. Dither and Co., Paris.

M. Pagnerre has just brought out a work which is making some sen- sation at Paris. It is "L'Histoire Politique de la Revolution de Hon- grie," by Messrs. Iranyi and Chemin.

Messrs. Hachette and Co„ Paris, have published "Le Magnetisme Animal," by M. Louis Figmer, forming the third volume of his " His- toire du Merveilleux dons lea Temps Modernes."

The fourteenth part of the "Grandes nines de Franca," published under the editorship of the director of the ifoniteur Univirsel) ha a ap-

peared this week. It contains a detailed descrim , ' - vhich is

nous other large porcelain manufactories of Frantoils,,„ 1 eh Under the auspices of the Royal Historical Socie: -95 published, "Commentaires de Don Bernardino de/4 by M. Lounners, with a notice and annotations by'usttaw-

44 Brussels. IA .

be. The first volume of "Memoirs of Alexander v4144 ldt," is :cur

• .

nouneed by Ernest Schafer, Leipzig ; and a new sf letters by Varnhagen von Erwe, entitled, "Letters to a Female .._ nd, from 1841

to 1853, has been published at Hamburgh. VI